Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fail #53: The Adventures of Taylor and Conor at "W2 SUSHI NOODLE"!!!

Here, yet again, we take a trip to the most popular fast food shop in the whole of china, "W2 SUSHI-NOODLE!!! where Taylor managed to beat me at producing the largest list from the register after she pressed in 14 orders in the wrong size therefore had to punch in 14 orders to take them off (REVERSE THE ORDERS TO TAKE MONEY OFF) and then had to punch in the correct 14 she beat me in the longest list on the register from a screw up....

But i found other ways of my own to get back at her...

The random hand that holds the message says taylor is gay! it must be true!

A nice surprise for when she opens the cash register

I thought i would warn the customers