Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fail #41: Tirednessnessnesss

I said i wasnt tired....thats what i thought until i went to get changed but needed the tiolet so i went to the toilet, put on my p.js, then took off my p.j's to go to the toilet (yes...weird, i actually took them off...) and then i went to put them on again and realised that they were on back-to-fron when my testicl'e's were a bit...well, awkward.

So thats my tirednessessessness.

Goodnight...i hope


  1. Thanks for the comment. I'm glad u find my blog interesting to read. Yours is pretty funny.

    I think its cool that you and your friends want to get to know people outside your school and circle of friends. I want to do the same, which is one of the reasons I started this blog. Which I plan to keep updating, whenever I get the chance.

    And in case your wondering, i'm 17, i have blonde hair, hazel eyes, im 168cm tall, i live on the Gold Coast and i'm the kind of person who would rather eat dirt than wear a dress. (wow, it sounds like im selling myself. haha)

  2. well thankyou for sharing that with the world wide web conor-
    i’m sure they appreciated hearing about your awkwardly placed genitals :P
