Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fail #48: Staying Awake! Or just Not Sleeping!

Either screwed. I feel like crap and i can barely clean up the memories of what a dragonball Z marathon inspired last night with matthew, geoff, emerson and myself.....Im soooo screwed!!!

More details later will be published when ive finished cleaning and moping around sleep-deprived as the others would be (but in the city....i can only imagine the other three fainting on the train from exhaustion)

So Its a good idea to sleep sometimes...unless you wanna watch dragonball Z non-stop from around 10:30pm at night till around 7:30-8:00am the next morning.


  1. Red Bull got me through an all nighter

  2. i literally fell asleep on the bus home frrom three or fours times and was woken by my head smashign against the glass when we turned a corner, thank god for road works else i'd have missed my stop!

    now time to finally get some sleep......
