Monday, September 28, 2009

Fail #56: Lucifer/Grand Kai's Comments

ive gotten really excited about supernatural season 5 again after havin g adjusted to the fact that i havent seen an episode on tv for a while and i was reminded, thanks to youtube, of ow lucifer is gonna be the biggest bitch to kill or just to deal with in supernatural. He is gonna be breathing fire and cumming blood all over the place. i loved reading the comments left by people on you do. i came across this guys comment which was very confusing at the start but i had to laugh....alot.
RedBloodINC (3 days ago)

"dean would rather see sam dead then to see him with the devil, so yeah michael aka dean will kill lucifer aka sam, crazy fight i can't wait for the crazy fight oh yeah crazy fight is coming oh yeah apocalypse holy holy shit shit shit holy monkey crazy fight crazy fight oh yeah crazy fight oh yeah go go crazy fight.....ha ha ha......"

For those who are experienced in DBZ, i think that it was the grand kai who posted this comment.

"Oh yeah, tournament..gonna have a grand tournament, oh yeah, tournament yeah, oh yeah tournament, tournament alright, tournament oh yeah!"

Fail #55: Vampire Series and Teen Girls

Okay heres the deal...
The stories are false, and even before i get into any rant about how annoying this topic is, IT WAS ENOUGH TO DO TWILIGHT!!! STOP DOING MULTIPLE VAMPIRE STORIES WITH THE SAME PLOTS AND STORYLINES AND SPECIAL EFFECTS AND CHARACTERISTICS AND JUST STOP!!! these girls that are obsessed with these vampire series, all love the same thing. including my sister. they wish that they could, having a terribly messed up parent/family situation, accidentally run into the NEW BOY at high school and instantly be paralysed with love and with un-ending unsatisfaction in finding out why the boy is soo intruiging and attention must be his eyes!!! or maybe his skin!!! or maybe his lack of correct social behaviour!!! or maybe cos he is soooo hot though he isnt really in real life!!!
So all these girls want to accidentally run into him and then experience some stupid false highschool fantasy teen sooo bloody infuriating!
Thats the thing that annoys me.....why do the actors become hot when they are cast as vampires? they werent beforehand, and im pretty sure that i didnt cream when i saw rob in twilight. though i may have when he was cedric digorry in harry i didnt because HE IS THE SAME PERSON AS WHEN HE ISNT ACTING!!!
any further complaints about vampire series is welcome as i am very tired and too infuriated to list all the reasons why they are stupid. cos there are many many many reasons.

Fail #54: Joke Gone Wrong

I texted kayla in hope that liss would read the message too and laugh at my cruel words directed at liss (though i was lying and making up these hurtful words)....but i didnt do it right and i upset her. I feel Bad.
In the comments, hurling abuse at me will be accepted...and deserved.
go ahead and abuse me

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fail #53: The Adventures of Taylor and Conor at "W2 SUSHI NOODLE"!!!

Here, yet again, we take a trip to the most popular fast food shop in the whole of china, "W2 SUSHI-NOODLE!!! where Taylor managed to beat me at producing the largest list from the register after she pressed in 14 orders in the wrong size therefore had to punch in 14 orders to take them off (REVERSE THE ORDERS TO TAKE MONEY OFF) and then had to punch in the correct 14 she beat me in the longest list on the register from a screw up....

But i found other ways of my own to get back at her...

The random hand that holds the message says taylor is gay! it must be true!

A nice surprise for when she opens the cash register

I thought i would warn the customers


Fail #52: Well, Firstly, The Unofficial Fail, But Secondly, The Fact That It Was Taken Down And Was Still Captured

Matthew isnt a Bitch anymore...thankyou matthew.
He has finished the unfinished businuss that made him a bitch. Therefore isnt.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fail #51: DBZ Marathon Behaviour

It was an awesome night/day, it was not a fail by a long way, but the hysterical laghter that we endulged in at the stupid jokes was pitiful....though very very funny at the time cos of our delusional sanilty, we were ver immature. Some of the things that happened, had been said and had been done that made us laugh rediculously included:

  • Trying to get the mattress out of its cover.....with our head, it was sooo hard!!!
  • Tipping the mattress over because it was wet and smelt like piss after which i asked kath why and she said she didnt know tand that i was the last to use it. in my head i replied, "i must have ahad a realy good dream that time.
  • Geoof reply to almost everything was "your mum" which we never failed to laugh at and we even adopted to saying it with him
  • Geoffs other favourite answer was "Thats what she said" and we did join in with that one too.....laughing hysterically
  • Geoff used a black woolen blanket which shed many black hairs...GEOFF: "I have hair in my mouth!"....MATTHEW: "Why do you have hair in your mouth you creep?!?!?...GEOF: "You should tell your mum to shave"
  • What time is it? Pee O'clock!
  • I made a lasso with my drawstring from my dressing gown and i was lassoing things tryiung to be a cowboy and then emerson had a go and lassoed the hell out of me, got me round the neck and we made it tighter by trying to undo it so i had to get scizzors and cut in off of my trangling neck
  • I got out my harry potter wand that has a magnet in it and emerson decided to put it on top of matthews 1000 gig (terabyte) Harddrive and thought he had wiped its memory because of the magnetic forces
  • Emerson also used my magnetic wand to pick up a metal coaster and never failed to recite "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSAR!!! as it lifted up with the wand
  • EMERSON: "Is your [DS] screen broken?....MATTHEW: "Is your [DS] screen broken???....EMERSON:Is your refridgerator running?
  • As matthew talked about catching a pokemon with a master ball....EMERSON: "I heard that you can catch water pokemon that will give you a special bait...i think its called "Master Bait".....Geoff: dunno, ill have a look in my Dick-tionary (emerson looks at geoff weird)...WHAT! havent you read a book? (Conor interupts): -tionary?!?!
  • We went on random spells of word association
  • Matthew was the only one who fell asleep though it was for only a couple of hours while geoff emerson and myself set a goal to see VEGITO!!!
  • Emersons guitar playing was pretty sweet and soothing
And we capped that off with breakfast on my front driveway after the sun had come up where we learnt that if i eat cruncht nut clusters while i laugh then milk will most definately run down my chin and only the floor or in my bowl, emerson is retarded at pouring cereal into a designated circumference otherwise known as a bowl and my neighbourhood are bastards who, when your eating cereal with your friends and wave kindly to them, they drive past you in their car with no wave back....i guess theyre driving to work and theyre jealous that they dont have holidays on friday! (not funny? well it was on that morning!!!)

And we also learnt that this man is a bitch!

It was epic

Fail #50: Matthew

I told him to post me an unofficial fail on a certain blog before and now its too late....your a bitch matthew...

...A Bitch...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fail #49: B.E.P. Lyrics

Today, whilst i got into my cleaning mood after "crashing" in front of the TV, i felt like something really catchy to listen to. I didnt feel like the ussual stuff i play so i went for some old Black Eyed Peas which i loved in primary school. Albums, Elephunk and Monkey Business are awesome! though i forgot how well structured their songs were in accordance to their lyrics. They are interesting. Some lyrics include:

  • (The commonly known and 'had-to-be-radio-edited lyric) - "Lets get retarded"
  • "we Drop Bombs Like We In The Middle East"
  • "Bob Your Head Like Epilepsy"
  • "And we're really to nice, it finga lickin'like rice and peas and chicken stuffing"
  • "If it smells like funk it must be us, The Funk, funk full, Foul stinky, its stanky stuff. If It smells like funk it must be us. cos nobodys funky as us, cos we keep it stanky" (pretty much the whole of "smells Like Funk")
  • "Whether it be kinky thoughts, im a make you chonies drop, Watch Mr Choney Rock, Ill rock your sticky spot. Hombre Lumbre gonna make it hot, gonna make your trick drop, They call me CUM-a-lot"
  • "Hey ma....Grandma!!!
Thats only the first half of their album elephunk....its very interesting lyrics. real deep.

Though they are pretty groovy!!! I enjoyed cleaning to them.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fail #48: Staying Awake! Or just Not Sleeping!

Either screwed. I feel like crap and i can barely clean up the memories of what a dragonball Z marathon inspired last night with matthew, geoff, emerson and myself.....Im soooo screwed!!!

More details later will be published when ive finished cleaning and moping around sleep-deprived as the others would be (but in the city....i can only imagine the other three fainting on the train from exhaustion)

So Its a good idea to sleep sometimes...unless you wanna watch dragonball Z non-stop from around 10:30pm at night till around 7:30-8:00am the next morning.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fail #47: Illegal Downloading

I mean, i love downloading, its the best. I get music for free! bands i cant get CD's of and bands that i find and want NOW!, i can just download them. though the internet is destroying, with downloads, the growing distant use of buying actual CDs. I mean, bands want to make money or they cant survive. so they need stores to buy their music and to advertise their albums and tours and stores need customers to stay open and buy more stock etc. but we download and sadly, we are contributing negatively to music. but i tend to ignore that bit.

But i assume im the first of us (our group, maybe even an extension to the school) to get "Brand New Eyes" set to be released in 8 days. thats not very good for paramore if they, like most bands, want a clean release date instead of having their music leaked onto the internet....but i totally downloaded it!!!

Its pretty freaking sweet! Its sooo exciting! its 12 o'clock and i need to listen to the whole thing!

Ill enjoy my illegally downloaded paramore album at the cost of contributing to the downfall of CDs. Though i have bought the super-awesome deluxe limited edition pack for "Brand New Eyes" along with wongy...and maybe geoff (i cant remember if you said you were, i seem to remember you saying you did, but we will clarify that tomorrow). so i guess ive done the right thing too.

Well, i hope your all sleeping well, cos im not sleeping at all right now! IM listening bitches!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fail #46: Tymons Dream

Tymons dream was "interesting". He was rocking out on stage with a stage of people playing guitars....except he was the only one rockin out without a guitar. NOOOOO!!!

He explains that he bought guitar hero. a good investment.

Heres to hoping that one day, tymons gets to dream about rockin out WITH a guitar, maybe even a whole band.

Fail #45: My Freaky Messed Up Dreams

Well when i go to bed i have no choice in the matter when my head decides to take me on what would be the opposite of a fantastical, happy and magnificent ride into my sub-conscious. In my dreams, i enter false worlds of false situations that dont even apply to me...and i hope never do.

I dont want to go on and on about them. partly cos i would go on for a while through explinations, cos i have a habit of explaiing unnecisarily too much, and partly due to the fact that the double period of phys ed is almost over. so heres a breif on a few of the crazy dreams ive had in the last week:

  • I was involved in this community of policemen and we were in the lab and i heard something from upstairs. i went up there and there were women strung upside down by their feet on the ceiling with their heads and arms cut off. the next day i did the same thing, i went upstairs and their were hundreds of sections of womens bodies lying en=verywhere. they were cut in heads, in chest areas, the limbs, their mid sections and their legs and feet. it was scary
  • I went to the tiolet and my friend threw in a stick that was alight with a flame into a cubical next to me....there was a man in that cubical. at his screaming, i sprinted away and he came after me. he stopped and i ran behind a truck. he culd still see me and was screaming in pain. he stopped screaming and stared at me, tilting his head, he looked like a demon and was burnt all over his body. i was scared so i sprinted and then i woke up.
  • I was in physics in one of my dreams!!! OMG!!! FREAKY SHIT!!!
  • I entered a competition where i knew nothing about it and then i had to catch a bus.....we all know how that will end up.
  • I dreamt that i was stuck in this black hole and there was no way out. i was stuck in there and there was this hole in the top that was really high above me and was really small, that shed a single beam of light.

thats all i can remember. but then i had some random ones like going into a book store with kayla and then matthew was there with emerson. kayla and matthew dissapeared and emerson showed me around the bookstore which turned out to be an electronic store....and so on.

Fail #44: School Laptop

....Its what im using to post on my blog.

....thats sucky...

Fail #43: People who have bad taste....or just not enough of it.

Three days graces new album "Life Starts Now" is awesome! its one of the best albums this year, same with Skillets new album, "Awake". Its soooo freakin sweet! now we are priveledged to get paramore and breaking benjamins new album soon. then one of the most highly anticipated albums for me again (and geoff too) is the new Blessthefall album, Witness" which has released a few songs in preperation to reveal the whiole thing and so far.....AWESOME! EPIC MUSIC!!!

Though some poeple dont see this. and i feel sorry for them that they arent involved in the excitement and in the pure chaotic desires to have this music.

But i respect that they have a choice and i will accept that they dont like it.

...this isnt directed at wongy....entirely.....though he is one of them.

Fail #42: My WorkMate

Im in a bit of a kuffuffle....i have this really cool girl at my work where she dances to her rock/pop/hip hop grooves. she is really funny and she makes work fun...but that all may be jeapardised....she wears crocks.....hmmm

....Do i love her?

....Or not?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fail #42: Many Things

Its been sooooo long since my last post!!! I blame it on the internet providers at bigpond who lie through their teeth to us about getting information passed on when really they were probably playing tetris whilst agreeing to whatever we were saying to them. Now we have to order in a new modem because they cant fit our one and that will take a further 5 working days to arrive and then we will have to go through the same crap with security numbers, etc! its so bloody annoying!!!

By the way, im posting this from my grandparents if anyone was wondering how i had access to the internet when im complainng i dont.

And because its been so long since my last post, here are some listed fails, quick, to the point and snappy:
  1. Biggest fail of them all was done by geoff, or maybe brandon....hmm, maybe both! well geoff failed cos he didnt get three days grace the first day it was possibly available when me and brandon had already done so (though he still got it the day later which will be 5 days before most of the world) that wasnt too bad, though he was probably going to off himself whilst sitting at home, his ears cold and un-rocked by three days grace (which is soooo freaking awesome!)
  2. Brandons was funnier even though he still got the 3DG albumon the first day because i had gotten it from sanity and geoff and brandons texts were almost identical "WHAT! WHERE!" and "WHAT! HOW?" when i texted them saying i'd got the album. next, out of no where, i see a sprinting brandon coming towards me and annie from across the hall of joondalup shopping centre and grabbed my album. His face was full red and he was very pissed. why? well, he had just gone to JB Hi-Fi to pre order his album, when i'd already gotten it. poor brandon.
  3. well, matthew ripped his pants and in the proccess managed to face plant it pretty much on the oval after attempting to jump through a tree (remember matthew! only if all the electrons line up perfectly! try again tomorrow!) and i sticky tapped the rip up in physics
  4. still failing it!
  5. Phys ed......Still Failing it!
  6. Being asked to play with a gang of about 15 boys the age of 10 is really annoying at the local oval im at....which, if i accept, i know will lead to me having to put up with them constantly knocking on my door for the next 15 years asking me to play with i have to refuse t play with them when i go down there.
  7. The association of football for western australia (football west) have reached a decision regarding my penalty taken in a semi final where i scored, but then the keeper came of his line to early and i had to re take it and the keeper saved it (this is a penalty shoot out if anyon was confuse to the importance) and the association looked at it (cos it was a wrong decision by the ref for me to take the penalty again) and they have decided, as officials, that they will draw a team name from a hat and who evers team comes out gets to go in the cup final! yay for well thought-through resolutions!!!
  8. many more fails were presented throughout my absence on the blog, but i have training where i hopefully wont fail. ill see if i can update soon.

Bye for now

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fail #41: Tirednessnessnesss

I said i wasnt tired....thats what i thought until i went to get changed but needed the tiolet so i went to the toilet, put on my p.js, then took off my p.j's to go to the toilet (yes...weird, i actually took them off...) and then i went to put them on again and realised that they were on back-to-fron when my testicl'e's were a bit...well, awkward.

So thats my tirednessessessness.

Goodnight...i hope

Fail #40: Sleep and School Work

Well, im up at 2:30 right now........trying to finish my work....sleep? oh no! who needs sleep when youve got:

-A Maths test
-A Maths Assignment
-A Phys Ed Test
-A Phys ed Assignment
-A Digital Photography Assignment
-A Physics Assignment Due (Planning)

All due on the next day!!!....well, today now....hmmm, im not too tired, i think i could stay up the whole night, but i know tomorrow, im gonna be ooooo screwed....especially for those tests....hmmm.

Well, ill try to finish up and get a few hours sleep.

...yeah, okay, cya!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fail #39: Busses....Again

Well on my way home today, i needed to get home fast so i took the route that matthew, blaise, james, danniel (McGee), Liss and kayla take to get home (except blaise who just walks there and then back to school...cos he's a beast and is THAT good!!!). I checked out liss' trampoline (which rocks and is fun to do crazy stuff on) but then went to catch my bus, i was accompanied by liss and kayla till my bus came. The bus came so i got up and went to hug the girls goodbye, i then approached the curb to assume the stance where i lift my leg onto the bus steps only to find that the bus that i was to catch had not stopped for my but went straight past me......WHAT!!! i had clearly approached the bus at the stop sign, but i forgot to 'hail' down the was sooo bad, liss and kayla were very comforting as they laughed their effing heads off at me (but then it was okay cos i got a rub on the back from liss as i had my head leaning against the time table schedule in frustration and i got a hug from the two of them, so the combination of the two was a great reward for being a dumbass..thanks girls!)

I swear i dont fail at busses since i always, always use public transport, it just seems that i miss them often....which means i do fail......its sooo confusing!

Fail #38: Lollipop Cuts

Im eating my lollipop and then it cut my tongue open from its violently structured crevaces. dont you hate that!?!?!
Now whenever i go to lick my lollipop, my tongue stings....Nooooo!