I mean, i love downloading, its the best. I get music for free! bands i cant get CD's of and bands that i find and want NOW!, i can just download them. though the internet is destroying, with downloads, the growing distant use of buying actual CDs. I mean, bands want to make money or they cant survive. so they need stores to buy their music and to advertise their albums and tours and stores need customers to stay open and buy more stock etc. but we download and sadly, we are contributing negatively to music. but i tend to ignore that bit.
But i assume im the first of us (our group, maybe even an extension to the school) to get "Brand New Eyes" set to be released in 8 days. thats not very good for paramore if they, like most bands, want a clean release date instead of having their music leaked onto the internet....but i totally downloaded it!!!
Its pretty freaking sweet! Its sooo exciting! its 12 o'clock and i need to listen to the whole thing!
Ill enjoy my illegally downloaded paramore album at the cost of contributing to the downfall of CDs. Though i have bought the super-awesome deluxe limited edition pack for "Brand New Eyes" along with wongy...and maybe geoff (i cant remember if you said you were, i seem to remember you saying you did, but we will clarify that tomorrow). so i guess ive done the right thing too.
Well, i hope your all sleeping well, cos im not sleeping at all right now! IM listening bitches!!!!