Friday, July 30, 2010

Fail #190: My Mum is...

Yes, thomas Mcgloughlin (if my spelling is correct) has my mum cleaning his house. Mum is a Nurse and does work, but she decided she wants extra money while she isnt working so she just decided to try and do cleaning because she's good at it and doesnt mind it. (most mums are good cleaners, they are ___ afterall). And mum got chatting to Thomas' mother and yeah, she's cleaning toms house for 3 hours every so often. its crazy!
Tom? Guess What? mum's been in your room...creepy.
But she said she liked all your manchester untited stuff and said you had a nice room. so that was sweet of her. But still. MY MUMS IN YOUR ROOM!!!
She aint no mexican, so treat her nicely. And she isnt Full australian so she isnt your convict thomas, she is a little german too, so if you fuck with her, expect your house to be turned into a gas chamber and the next time your family is eating dinner, BAM! locked in your house and gassed to death. So look out for that.
Enjoy your family meals, while you can...
I find this really strange, definately a fail. I somehow feel like because my mums boss would be toms mum in a respect, that tom can now order me around...its hard to describe.


  1. Can this post be a fail (Manchester Gas Chambers?)?

    Or Fail #191; Writing fails and then centering them for no reason?


  2. im tired okay!!! "Mum? can you gas the wongs?"

    ill centre shit is i want to!
    and even when i dont want to!
