Friday, July 30, 2010

Fail #191: Catshit Everywhere!

Catshit Everywhere,

Catshit Everywhere.

Catshit Everywhere,

Its Even In My Hair.

Catshit Everywhere,

Catshit Everywhere.

Catshit Everywhere,

Its all over my chair.

I just wanna eat a pear,

But i cant cos theres motherfuckin catshit every-fucking-where.

Fail #190: My Mum is...

Yes, thomas Mcgloughlin (if my spelling is correct) has my mum cleaning his house. Mum is a Nurse and does work, but she decided she wants extra money while she isnt working so she just decided to try and do cleaning because she's good at it and doesnt mind it. (most mums are good cleaners, they are ___ afterall). And mum got chatting to Thomas' mother and yeah, she's cleaning toms house for 3 hours every so often. its crazy!
Tom? Guess What? mum's been in your room...creepy.
But she said she liked all your manchester untited stuff and said you had a nice room. so that was sweet of her. But still. MY MUMS IN YOUR ROOM!!!
She aint no mexican, so treat her nicely. And she isnt Full australian so she isnt your convict thomas, she is a little german too, so if you fuck with her, expect your house to be turned into a gas chamber and the next time your family is eating dinner, BAM! locked in your house and gassed to death. So look out for that.
Enjoy your family meals, while you can...
I find this really strange, definately a fail. I somehow feel like because my mums boss would be toms mum in a respect, that tom can now order me around...its hard to describe.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fail #187: Kylesa....defies physics (I Know, i did year 11 physics)

Kylesa are a band that defies the laws of life!!!

you know how we the 'band' have many members mucking around at the moment? well Kylesa would take all of us in and play us in their band, solely on the fact that they have 2 drummers. they are perfectly in sync and do the same headbanging at the same time at the same speed with the same velocity and inertia and acidic based physics stuff (its not chemistry, its physics! whos the physicist here? yeah, me. so shut up)...if you go on youtube you can see them, but i dont suggest this is somethig everyone will enjoy, only those who kind of appreciate that two drums are playing and stuff (thats not an insult either). most of the time they play the exact same beat...its kinda strange, they dont mix it up and play two different things, they just bnoth play the same shit at the same time...kinda pointless, but hey, they must be getting somewhere, they are confirmed for soundwave. hahaha. they are confirmed band #14: Kylesa.

Also, theyre lead guitarist is a chic...they all look pretty old to me and their music is a blend of different stuff like punk/metal/heavy metal and yeah, weird. not my style at all, i can see metal fans would like them more than any other genre'd fans. theyve opened for slipknot with mastodon for rock sound festival in the uk and toured with converge and stuff....anyway, thats that. enoy your morning/evening!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fail #186: Misunderstanding

Try not to misunderstand me people. I go with flow about 99% of the time with anything which tends to end me places i dont wanna be.

Just to clarify:

  • I (dont) hate black babies
  • I (dont) hate black people
  • I am (not) a Shutti Lucka
  • I am madly in love with tameekah
  • I can actually be a good student when i want to
  • I am not a dumb ass/stupid, just a bit slow on the uptake some times :)
  • Hurting myself is only somethig i would do to entertain you people, im not always running into ropes
  • I am a good bus catcher, my luck is just terrible.
  • Crocs are still the worst things in the world...
  • Elissa's boobs are just at an unfortunate height for her, or unfortunate for me :D
  • Joe and i arent gay....from mondays to fridays.
  • I do like linkin park alot, ive just been seeing some other artists at the moment which have compelled me in that direction, they will get back "to highly listened to". (that snippet of the catalyst is sweeet! gettin pumped!)

anything else needs clearing up? some conor stereotypes ive missed? oh well, they'll do.

Fail #185: Haters of AA (Asking Alexandria)

So Asking Alexandria were finally officially announced last night as the twelfth band for Soundwave 2011!!! This means that even if there were no other bands going that i liked, i will be spending 150 bucks or whatever the ticket cost is, to see them play a 40 minutes set, and they might even only get 30minutes. I would pay to see them even if it meant i had to sit through a 5 hour performance by Akon...Fuck i hate that bitchez voice.

So along with AA, 'The Sword' and 'Mayday Parade' have been confirmed. I read the thread on soundwave for announcement discussion as the 12th band was being announced and lets just say that people werent too excited for the announcement and participation of AA. I dont know how theyve come to their conclusions, decency and respect arent words youl associate with the people who want to discuss music. If someoe has a different taste to music than another person, they are pieces of shit who dont know what music is and should die. Those type of poeple fail big time. So here are the comments that make this post worthy of a fail. Quotes at the time of AA's announcement:

  • I knew these guys would be bad just by the type of kids hyping them up, but fuck me, i wasnt expecting them to be that bad. i know taste is subjective, but you just cant polish a turd.
  • Im so hoping this extra stage theyre putting in for 2011 is gonna be where all the scene/fag/trendcore bands end up. Asking Alexandria and A Skylit Drive would be perfectly suited to there. So would the Alesana type bands that will end up being on the bill. Put them all on stage and fence off the standing room so we can lock all the kids in there with their 'idols' and leave the rest of us to enjoy the good stuff.
  • Jesus christ, this band anctually makes me angry when i listen to them, theyre to stop-start and their songs are reptitive and boring. Will Be avoiding at all costs. also what is with that shit "OHHHH MY GODDDDD" part in The Final Episode? Terrible.

That last commenter, who cant spell or use appropriate grammer, commented justa few posts after this one which read:

  • Ive never listened to ADTR

Well, that says a bit about his taste. im not saying he has bad taste, but i mean, its A Day To Remember!!!

  • I just laughed when i saw a photo of Asking Alexandria
  • Worst band.

So screw all those people. Screw them with all my heart.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fail #184: Mum? Why?

So, i have these next door neighbours who have a dog barking for all of its hours outside the front of their house (when its out the front, not when its at the back) and it barks at nothing. The Neighbours are a couple and the guys father lives there/or visits constantly and the two guys do chareoke on their speaker system outside which the whole neighbourhood can hear. (he does it proffesionaly, like robbie williams tributes and stuff, and i dont think he's bad at all, but my whole family does) regardless, its loud and annoying and often. aswell as the speakers that are loud, you can always hear their voices inside their house when they are calling for each other or talking from outside to a person inside or something, which isnt a great thing (i dont wanna running comentary of their dayly lives). so if it isnt bad enough you can hear them talking, they have domestics about 4.4 nights out of the week and we can hear screaming and shouting and swearing and litterally hear the words coming from their mouths, we can re-enact the fight in our own house, miming the words at a slight delay. its horrible to hear and can be a little scary. My family hate them and think they are the weirdest and craziest people. they are english and have sdtrong english acents.

p.s. this guy came into my garage while i was playing drums (yes, he opened my door and stepped in to my garage, it was wierd) to ask me to play for his band. he was drunk, which explains why he thought i was good. hahaha. and he told me even though its fun to have a good bash, i should stop playing my 'heavy crap' and play something a little more mainstream because thats what people wanna hear and that if i joined him we would play that kind of music. he lost me at 'heavy crap' and 'stop playing'.

continuing my story (after the P.s. which isnt a correct use of the p.s. 'system') my mum gets really angry and she went out the front just 10minutes ago (its 6:20pm) and hissed at their dog which was barking outside their house. yes, she "hissed". so she came back in with a smile and told me about her hissing at the dog and what the dog looked like when it heard the hiss. which was walking away shaking its ass as it went...thanks mum -_-

Another 10minutes pass and mum goes outside to put the rubbish in the bin and she see's the next door neighbour. Im sitting here at the computer when i hear mum shouting,

"Theres not gonna be any fighting tonight is there?!?!"
"Im gonna call the cops if i hear any of it tonight, you hear me?!?!"
"Ive got kids sleeping at that end of the house and they can hear your crap all night!" (we sleep on the side of the house closest to their house)
"What was that?!?!....yeah? what ya gonna do? Ill call the cops!!!"

...and mum walks in smiling again, proud in her stride, and retells me her "triumph" so embarrassed. now what do i do when their outside their house and i need to walk outside to the bus stop or am coming home from school or going out anywhere in the car with mum???

Jesus mum...what have you done?

i feel like there should be some kind of mum song i should write and have some kind of reference to 'Christof" in it...if only there were such a song already written...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fail #183: It All Ends Here

HOW DEPRESSING! Harry Potter is finally coming to a steady end. the moments all HP fans have been dying to see since each consectutive book came out, are finally about to be witnessed, and the feeling of intense excitement for Harry Potter as a visua series is about to be extinguished, as has the book production. I didnt know what i was sadder about when reading the Deathly Hallows, the fact that something sad has happened in the story (not a specific reference, so dont wory, no spoilers for non-readers) or the fact that it was the last book and that i was never going to read another page of the harry potter series i havent read before. i think it was the latter.
Well, im upset. But thats no reason to overshadow the excitement of the next two complete parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (two parts (movies) for anyone unlucky enough to not have known) which will be released on the 19th of November: Part One. and the 15th of July: Part Two. (pretty sure that the Book of the Deathly Hallows was released on the 21st of July so even though i cant wait to see and would rather see it now, i reckon it would be cool if warner brothers released the movie on the 21st as a reunion thing, but also an ending of the book...if you get what im saying)
Now if you take a look at a comparison of the first and the last movie posters, you can see what difference there is in feeling and in the physical state of hogwarts. "depressing" is definately the word im sticking with.

Do i really want it to end?

...I Cant Cry, But this Might End My Many-Year Drought...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fail #182: Our Good Friend Ben

Im really sad at the thought of Ben having to do his 2 years military service for singapore after year 12. Thats gotta be so hard to do. I think im gonna cry. Its okay to cry, ben.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fail #180: Angst (Teen Angst)

I know it sucks, But grow the fuck up already!

If your angsty, and you read this, it'l probably make you more angsty...and if it does, your the kinda person that shits me right off.


I feel extremely heartless reading over this post, but seriously. Pisses me right off! I dont know how to express my feelings towards this because theyre mixed between feeling sorry and hating the im gonna leave it there before i say something i dont mean. cos at the moment, i feel like a could express some really nasty stuff...i dont like teen angst, which is just another word to describe depression and the act of bringing everyone around you the fuck down.

I feel like fighting...who wants to hunt down watsy with me?

and Matthew....FUCK. YOU!

Fail #179: Newest Soundwave Line-up announ...WAIT A MINUTE!!!

Fail #178: Introducing My Precious Little Girl, Bella

How May my precious little Bella fail, you might ask?

Well, it isnt found in her name because she was NOT named after Bella from the Twilight Saga's 'Bella', but from the translation of 'Belle' (and 'Bella' from extension, correct me if im wrong) is 'Beautiful' or 'Beauty'. So theres no fail there, because she is most definately a beautiful girl. MY beautiful girl.
No, no, no, not the name good sir, but the fact that Bella is being sexually assualted...she is being approached and close to raped. And by the horny mutt that my family took in to take care of for a month. Trufi, the small wolly poodle-rapist, who has proved to be 'hard' since the arival of Bella. Yes, she is beautiful Trufi, but if you so much as touch her innocent, sweet, and fluffball, fluff/hair...i will rape you back.
So Trufi is a horny bastard who needs to go. now! We have him for only one more week, and then Bella is free from fear, as am i.
So heres to Introducing my girl, Bella! Try not to die of envy that she is mine...
...Bella Takin g a nap...
Indie and Bella Together
(Indie is really gentle with her)
(Indie looks gross in this picture i reckon, he is, once again, a YED!)
So thats Bella...Jealous?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fail #177: Shaving Cut

They are really quite annoying. i suffered my first ever shaving cut today, and my god was it a good one! It was shaving the moustache area and i was going up towards my nose (right nostrel for your specific information) and went to round it off so i didnt go up my nose, but i accidentally slid it down on the diagonal and sliced my face for a 3 cm decline...i had a string of skin sliced off and lots and lots of bleeding. i took a picture, but its on miguel old phone which i dont have software to cnnect to the computer so i cant show you. i can show you tonight if your gong to pucc's, but yeah, its annoying afterwards. especially when i forget ive done it and go to scratch there...that hurts like a bitch.

if youve cut yourself shaving, please share. i know miguel had one where his brother came in and bumped him in the morning before school and came to school WEILDING a tissue to try and stop the relentlessly bleeding cut, which was...relentlessly bleeding regardless.

blaise might have had a few more cuts than us as he started younger than we did, id assume. you marvelously hairy bitch beast.

Wongy? i know your one for shaving. i'd go so far as to call you a shaving-addict. (Everyone still good for that intervention for matthews shaving addiction on tuesday? text me if your not good for that)

How about you elissa? your many shavings of your prodominantly hairy upper lip cause you any grief?

Brittany? ranga skin is to prove me wrong?

and Annie? ....oh Annie poor CV girl...i cant imagine how tough it is for you.

That is all, the fail is shaving cuts. Fuck you shaving cuts...Fuck you with all my heart.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fail #176: Wikipedia Heartbreak/Heart Attack Attack!

This post is a very long and boring post if you dont give a shit about soundwave, so you best not read this then. if you do like soundwave and are interested in the lineup and rumours, read ahead!

so i went on wikipedia to see about soundwave again and that list i put up was cancelled and went down to 5 heart was ripped out of my chest as asking alexandria were not there on the lineup. wiki had lied.


I went onto rumours and info and stuff on various sources and the soundwave forums gave some interesting information. asking alexandria have said on twitter that they have some good news for australia, and there is also rumours that Alesana and Attack Attack! are coming for soundwave. if these rumours are true, its gonna be like a Vans warped tour!!! The tour in america that is my dream to attend. so that's be sweet. some other notable post-hardcore/synth-core bands rumoured are "I See Stars", "Breathe Carolina", "Sky Eats Airplane", "Peirce the Veil", and more! They also recon that system of a down have a possible re-uniting chance. and Tom, there are some metal bands here: machine head, slayer (thrash) and some others that are big named.

heres the page from the soundwave forum, sorry, its lengthy. (it has a not playing list, linkin park is in it...motherfuckers!!!)

Confirmed by Soundwave:
*The Blackout
*Protest The Hero
*The Ataris
*Trash Talk
*All That Remains
*Less than Jake
*A Skylit Drive (by AJ, but not formally announced yet)
*There For Tomorrow

*Mayday Parade (AJ has said it is highly likely they will play)
*Sum 41 (AJ has said it is highly likely they will play)
*New Found Glory (Both AJ/NFG shown great interest)
*Bayside (Both AJ/Anthony shown great interest)
*I See Stars and Sky Eats Airplane are possible.
*1 of Breathe Carolina, I See Stars and Pierce the Veil have been contacted.
*I See Stars have been contacted (Just need to "sort their shit out"- possibly that whole band member crisis)
*1 of We Came as Romans, Asking Alexandria, Attack Attack! and Stick to your Guns are confirmed. 2 were distinct possibilities.
*AJ has said that someone would be very happy with the lineup as she requested Anberlin, The Rocket Summer, *Something Corporate,and Forever the Sickest Kids.
*AJ has been trying for SoCo, however, Andrew currently plans to disband the band in August.
*A Skylit Drive has been hinted at a few times.
*Alesana dropped their September tour, and that DJ guy from Red Ant Touring who was supposed to announce it (? i think) said they are now playing Soundwave.
*AJ said he may look into Alter Bridge
*Every Avenue has stated they would be here early next year.
*The Maine have stated they had plans to come .. early next year. (? I remember someone telling me something like that)
*Fireworks have said they hope to play.
*Hit the Lights have said they hope to play.
*Jona from Bring Me The Horizon said they were playing (Albeit that was before the BFMV tour announcement, still possible though)
*Various members from Blessthefall have stated they are playing while on tour with SOTY.
*SOTY said they were in talks with AJ about doing SW.
*Lostprophets said they were pretty sure they would play.
*Blink 182 (only occur if Travis flies- UNLIKELY)
*Metal Stage headliner is "big enough" to headline main stage.
*DevilDriver. (heard from DD guys on Dec. LOG tour)
*Lombardo saying Slayer were playing SW at drum clinic, which everyone assumed was 2010. Would be big enough to headline. DD guys backed this up.
*The Gaslight Anthem have stated they will be here in early 2011-Early March. AJ has said he tried to get them previously, but they were recording.
*Polar Bear Club said they hope to play.
*Throats aim to be here around March.
*Soundgarden are among rumoured due to recent reunion. Could be the token 90s band. (Have ties to BDO, but hasn't stopped AJ before)
*Primus properly reunited, and are recording a new album soon. Ties to BDO, but again, doesn't necessarily matter.
*Chino (Deftones) was interviewed on the racket and said that he was hoping to play either their own headline tour at the end of this year/one of the big australian festivals at the start of next year.
*Despised Icon farewell tour (although, supposedly are touring with Ion Dissonance)
*System of a down reunion hints (as usual)
*AJ being at the recording studio while Terror were tracking their album.
*The Damned Things (Rock Sound mag interview: On an Australian Festival early next year)
*Bush reformation. Again could be token 90s reformation band.
*Nova FM sources claim Weezer are a headliner.
*Bayside saying on formspring they will be back in early 2011.
*On Machine Head tour in March, when asked when they would be back Jamie & Chris of Hatebreed both said independently "Soundwave next year".
*AJ has said that he wouldn't wait another 3 years to tour Hatebreed and would get them back asap.
*DineAloneRecords talking about shortfastloud and the sw band announcements.
*Asking Alexandria have good news for Aussies.
*Mad Caddies saying they are playing SW.
*H20 saying they cancelled their September tour for something bigger early next year.
*When asked why they cancelled their tour, H20 apparently replied with Soundwave.
*When buying Terror merch, you get a message saying "See you in Feb"
*We Are The Ocean coming next year.
*When Joey Cape recently toured, He mentioned after the Adelaide show that he would be back in Australia with Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies in the near future.
*MXPX Press release: "MxPx will continue to perform in festivals and one-off dates with Chris Wilson (The Summer Obsession) sitting in on drums. MxPx All-Stars will embark on a new International tour to Australia in early 2011, which will feature the same line-up from their first tour to Japan and Malaysia – Mike Herrera, Kris Roe of The Ataris and Chris Wilson"
*AJ has tweeted a few times and all but confirmed that John Farnham is headlining the festival. Wink

Not playing:
*Simple Plan
*A Day To Remember
*We Came as Romans (Recording during Soundwave time)
*Breathe Carolina (Seeing as I see stars had been asked)
*Pierce the Veil (Seeing as I see stars had been asked/ they're coming for Take Action)
*Therefore I Am (AJ stated he was trying his best to keep out bands that toured in the last 12 months in re: to this request)
*Iron Maiden ("may be a bit out of our price range")
*Architects (AJ said they will be doing a headline tour)
*Hawthorne Heights (lineup is full)
*A Loss For Words (said so themselves)
*Haste The Day
*Linkin Park
*Children of Bodom
*Circa Survive
*A Static Lullaby
*The Haunted
*Smashing Pumpkins
*Amity Affliction, Misery Signals, Confession, Flood of Red
*Jet Lag Gemini
*Our Last Night
*Envy on the Coast (broke up)
*Atreyu (supposedly coming before year's end)

evanescence are recording a new album that would be ready for soundwave, but thats a slim chance.

Blessthefall might.

In other news, korn are expected to come to Australia with their 18month world promotion tour for their eighth studio album. Miguel, get your sweet ass ready.

i dont think alot of these bands will tour with soundwave because theyve already just recently been within a year or two. bands like blessthefal (played a month ago in perth over 18's the bastards!) and attack attack are coming to play over east (but not in perth the bastards!). i dont think that they would come back so soon, but lets hope!

thats all my SW news for now. Why do they do this to us?!?! its too early to be getting excited for soundwave!!! THEYRE KILLING ME!


siobhan sucks fail ass!



this is it so far, names are being released every wednesday from triple j and stuff. ASKING ALEXANDRIA! A SKYLIT DRIVE!!! the other ones who are up and coming/popular/ihave and dont love but are good are we came as romans and between the buried and me, and we are the ocean, and all that remains and Protest the hero.


theres also mayday parade for those of you who enjoy a lighter alternative side.

BUT ASKING ALEXANDRIA!!! for those who are interested in going from the bands that are up now, give me the word and ill hit yall up with some AA...ASKING ALEXANDRIA!!! we need the other AA, Attack Attack!

so freaking awesome! if it turns out to be rumors, im gonna kill everyone. everyone.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fail #174: Yeah, i kinda have to...

...Im sorry, my photoshopping/image editting is terrible. It makes you want to cry. i know, i was there.

So there you go. in the creation of my starburst shower dream, im a fail editer and im sorry you had to see it.

((Fail #173:) (Epic Jam Ses(h(?))?))

Yeah, my brackets are used unnecessarily and are completely out of order. they're also done what? im a master bracketteer. deal with it. Bitch.

Sorry bout that. some bitch thinks my brackets aren't necessary. Anyway. So i was fully pumped yesterday! epic jam at Ma Boi, Eddy's!!! gone be epic! got ma breakdown groove on, waiting for a stick stickly cover to happen! got me attack attack rollin all up in ma shit! got to the E-dogs house at 2:03. wasnt early, wasnt late...much. Had a strange sentence circling in my head all day, "Hope it's the right day?" *turns to julie, my sister, in the car, "its thursday today right?" ...julie says, "yeah, course"....i dismiss all possibilty i could have the wrong day.*

I got to eddillity's house, rang that bitches mothersweetin door bell, i mean, i rang it good! if someone rang my door bell that good, i'd definately let them play my pokemon heartgold.....maybe not.

Nessecary Sub-reference: "You can ring my Be-e-ell, ring ma bell"

so Eddy sprinted, because of my epic bell ring, from his hair-mirror and comb at lightning pace shoving his mother out of the way as she was cleaning his "for-being-awesome-hair" the door.

(I think eddy uses this, it the only way his hair could be so awesome).


eddsticklemanipples opened the door and see's me, face contorting, yes, contorting, from the smile bearing face miguel would wear after watching a racist act being performed, to that of the face when i found out attack attack! were not to be coming to perth for their australia appearance. Eddy waved his hand at me and i opened with a real smooth line, "have i got the right day?".....eddy says nothing, but shakes his head slowly from side to side. followed with, "Nobody told you?. *in my mind: .......FUUUUUUUUCK!!!*

yeah, turns out it wasnt on. it had been cancelled. so it was quite embarrasing for myself.
It was a traumatic experience and the only way ill ever get over it is if somehow, starbursts rain on me while im playing drums to attack attack!...but whats the possibilty THAT will ever happen? definately not at the NEXT jam session. SURELY not. it would be outrageous to think that something that crazy woul- FUCKING SHOWER ME WITH FUCKING STARBURSTS WHILE IM PLAYING DRUMS TO ATTACK ATTACK! MOTHER FUCKERS!!!

and that is all. no hard feelings.

starburst shower-dreaming,


P.S. This is what my dreams look like...

P.S. Thats took me freakin ages to make. you better enjoy it!
And i dont need any comments about my photoshopping skills! i know they are the bomb-diggidy.

oh, and its not really photoshop skills, that would have been easier. i did it with paint, multiple images, microsoft office picture manager and layered on microspft word to screen print and paste on paint. hahaha, geneous. enjoy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fail #172: Word Verication #(i cant remember)

I hate when my word verification has hidden meanings or secret messages! Dont you?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fail #171: Art/School/Mrs Valentine....

so its almost 3am in the morning....and im still looking for an artist in order to keep Ms Valentine happy tomorrow...thanks Ms Valentine!

But i do love you. Its all geeeewrd!....but not really, im planning on no sleep at this rate.

Well, back to it! Cya!

[EDIT]: well its now 5:30am and i couldnt find someone i wanted so ive chosen Magritte.
