Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fail #82: Mosh Injuries

The Moshing at battle of the bands was awesome. There wasnt a band up on stage worth headbanging to properly but one band, the metal/punk/pop-hardcore band, "We Can Breathe In Space" who were soooo awesome with their breakdowns and catchy choruses. i mean, ive been, along with my friendly friends, to see many bands and i have never moshed before. Unless you count the rise against concert where there was a mosh and me and geoff went into it, but the song stopped and we just kinda went in and out the other side...i think. so i dont count that one.

But we, mainly speaking of Miguel, geoffrey, wongy and myself (and maybe brandon and blaise, whom i cant remember seeing amongst the mosh-ers), were nicely sweaty afterwards (wongy knows as he was on the floor when i was headbanging his face and got sweat all over his face from my hair) and we were all feeling a bit of headbanging hurt. I got some scratches and got beaten up a little in the moshing, and geoff went crazy as did miguel and wongy. I particularly enjoyed the enthusiasm radiating from geoffrey getting excited during the pre-performance with me and he went mental in the mosh too....escaped with some neck pain, but was okay...until he moved his head to the side and felt his neck muscles pull to a degree that hurt him and was present the morning after (from what i can remember of discussion).

Surprisingly, the red elbow is the one thats fine....its the one in the middle that really hurts still....though theres not much to show from it.

None of us were victim to severe "bangover" i think is what miguel refered to it as...though in saying this my neck is still stiff and im guessing everyone elses is too. Though i escaped, i did something to my elbow, cos it really hurts still, and got those few marks. but a truelly awesome night thanks to "We Can Breathe In Space". A good night out (in the end).


  1. Ah, the Bangover.
    'tis quite the pain in the neck.
    rofl, (UCWATIDIDTHAR?!?!?!)
    The night finished on a great note it was simple

    1st band - Crap
    2nd - Okay
    3rd - Boring
    4th - Meh
    5th - LOLFAIL
    6th - ...Chaos ensues.

  2. I have two stories about some of my band mates moshing.
    David our singer is on one of the mega-death videos of the concert beating smacking people with a beer drainer metal pipe thingo.
    And also when my dad went to see the Ramones the guy he was with, they managed to get up to the front and during this concert the ramones stopped playing between songs to watch the guy my dad was with just punching random people in the front row

  3. hahaha, sweet!!! i wanna be in a film clip!


    And yeah, the fifth band sucked ass.

    AND the guy who won third place. Pfft. In his sophisticated red jacket and scarf...and his constant un-smiling and poutiness...

  5. haha the mosh was insane! i know i was pushing against you a few times sorry haha, i couldn't see anything aside from black shirts and elbows flying, hope i didnt cause any neck strains haha

  6. i was in there! and i was a breifly in the circle pit, but miguel and I were both completely taken out by a bouncer.
