Monday, October 19, 2009

Fail #76: Athiests

At "JB-HiFi", they have special imports of Athiest's, this must mean that they find it rare to get athiests in their store....maybe if the world was more like jb-hifi, the world would be better off


  1. very interested to see how this post is recieved.haha, i can imagine some commentsl. I in no way hate people who dont believe, i just dont like how people might go out of their way to diss a religion. I dont believe in some things, so i might voice my opinion, but after that, ill keep it to myself. good luck to me i say.

  2. I would to like to add my viewpoint.

    After certain experiences i have come to the conclusion that i believe that their is a greater good. Whether that is god or not i'm not sure but i'm positive that this greater good is not always goodbut there is something out there. Fucking Us over mostly

  3. I think I actually rather believe in god. I didn’t for a while but now- well I rather do. Which is nice don’t you think? :)

  4. tom....i think we gathered its a
