Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fail #5: FAMILY

Yes, my family does fail for those who know about it, but im here to talk about something a little different than my family problems...

...Its my failing of keeping my family together....well the important members of it anyways. HAHA

Some might know, some might not, but i have 5 sibling in my family, 1 sister, and the other one is a half breed....but she's still my sister (to my disgrace). My older siblings have all left me here in australia. These are my two brothers and one of my sisters. they are:

Oldest- (25yrs of age:Male) Chris(topher) Nielsen
Second Oldest- (23:Female) Julie Nielsen
Third Oldest (after Me)- (21: Male) Ben Nielsen

Chris has left for his occupation looking after families and their kids in their house (he stays with one family for over a year) in america. so he's gone for a very long time....oh and he's gay. For any of those who think im kidding, think not.

Julie has left for england for her boyfriend who's english. Shel;l be coming back after a couple of months and then going back over after a few weeks or so.

Ben has gone around the world with his girlfriend whom he met whilst she was visiting australia for study. Now they both go around the world for studying and leisure time together. He's gone for more than a year and left at the start of the year, so he's gone for a long time aswell.

This is them (with dad):

(from left to right- Julie, Ben, Chris, Dad)

This is them together:
(Left To Right- Ben, Julie, FAGBOY!!!...I mean, Chris)

I have Failed to keep them here with me to my despair...

I have a FailFamily situation....

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