Sunday, July 12, 2009


Well apart from this blog (The Fail), there are another few fail-blogs out there (not including all you wimp-asses who failed on accordance to Matthew and Geoff....respectively).

Upon making my own blog, i had attempted three times to get it right. They are as Follows:

  1. Conor'sblog: This blog was designed to incorporate, like many other peoples blogs, the element of their opinions and daily lives. An insight to me, conor. It was FAIL!
  2. ConorsFailBlog: This blog is the blog that i have created now, the failblog, only that i deleted it cos i chose the wrong format...It looked like crap, therefore it was branded FAIL!
Both of these blogs were crapola and were classed under extreme characteristics of definitely failing.

I sure am glad i learnt how to delete blogs!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I am really enjoying your posts on winning, and how to. Thanks Conor and your magnificent WINblog.
