Tuesday, December 29, 2009


At a feeble attempt to put me down, our (unco-in-the-kitchen) friend Elissa(llamagator) tried to tell me to shut my "Face-hole"....and failed.


..."Fole"....yeah, it was supposed to be face-hole. Not exactly how you wanted it to come out liss, huh?

Be aware, its now a thing she says. From now on if your confused when she tells you to "shut your fole fool!!!"....Fole translates to Face-hole.

Just Doin My Bit.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fail #104: Was You Raped?

Upon looking what Beau Bokan's (lead singer of one of the best bands living today, "blessthefall")

tattoo says across his chest, which is "Be Loyal Like Brothers",

i scrolled down a little and read the related questions from wiki...take a look for yourself, they may be relavent....

....or not.

Fail #103: Orange Juice

At work one of the chefs was rolling an orange in his hand for like half an hour. i was like, "Wei!...its already round!" and then he said,"im softening it". and then the next thing i know...

Wa'llah!!! Orange Juice!!!

Fail #102: Stewie Stole My Dress!!!

What a Bitch!
Stewie Done Stole Ma Dress!!!

Im serious, it folds the same way over and has the same bit at the waist, the same colour, he's tried to go redhead, the shoes, the lipstick....dont make me put it on again!
The only thing he has better than me is the gloves, but i overule his gloves with a rose. take that!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fail #101: Something

"I Dont Even Know What It Is..."

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fail #100: By Popular Demand....Moore River!!!

Well during the trip to Moore River, the official "Man-Camp" decided by the "man-Tent" of miggy, connie, brandon, tom and myself, the biggest event to occur was James' fall and concussion in which he had to be taken to the hospital in perth in the dark at night about 1 hr after the initial incident.

That night, which was the night of the crazy hurricane, required the "man-tent"-ers to join accomadation with the other "Man-camp"-ers though i found it hard to sleep so i ditched the man-campers and slept out in the hurricane (wasnt a good idea). Whilst i was in the death-icane, my phone flashed and i read a text that james had sent thanking everyone, then it flashed again and i read a text saying his dilemma would be a worthy 100th fail, and i agree! i mean look at that ass....

I had a 100th fail in the works, drafting and in progress.....it was a long compilation so they will be released at a gradual rate maybe. some other fails from Moore River included:

  • Me stepping on a bee the first day we were there and i had a damn itchy foot for the rest of the camp

  • Connie being helpless at the tent making proccess because of his shortish stature and the tent being a bitch so he decided to take it easy in the boat

  • Brandons onion cooking.....apparently because of his cooking methods he is gay....

  • Our first night of independant cooking where we tried to cook pizza on the BBQ which didnt work too well and ended up emitting some nice smelling steam/smoke before turning to microwaves....the two methods werent suggested by the box

  • A whole ordeal about geoffs ass and touching it with the bare flesh of the human hand..

  • Wongy trying to get my ducky from me which ended in me bringing out my....."little friend"
  • Blaise taking off his toe-nail with the aid of the swiss army knife (he used scissors, knife and muscle!)

  • me and my glasses (girls glasses) even though all the guys were jealous of them

  • well quite simply miguels tent was in for a rough trip pretty much and was a bitch to put up correctly

  • me and brandon share biggest "shithead" (i think)

  • the "KKK"

  • Brandon broke the top of an oar i think, so he was sentenced to the "horse float" for 5 minutes as punishment. wongy had some fun by torturing brandon with various items whilst he was carrying out his sentence.
(even though this picture was of wongy during his "hit-geoffs-ass" phase, he used this weapon on brandon)
  • I Am Big Blind!!!!!!!!!!

the trip?........AAAAAAARGH!!! EPIC!!! *Attack! Attack!*
because im metal
I win at everything
*ponders at answer*...Fuck that, and Fuck you
*awkward silence* *wongy springs onto feet with thumbs up with charismatic facial expression*
*Blaise randomly shows people his toe-nail*
*james see's the toe-nail and steps back onto a ball and hits his head and doesnt know where he is*
*Tom holds people back when they move towards james*
*Brandon paces up and down worried shitless*
...that was pretty much how camp went...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fail #99: Black and Gold

Joe loves Black and Gold brand, and Black and God (B&G) sucks ass compared to Home Brand!
joe you fail cos you love black and gold and you hate home brand.
How Dare You....how...very....dare you
Homebrand Rules all
p.s. for the christmas cheer, go check out this Christmas carol of "Carol of the Bells" By "August Burns Red". (for those of you who listen to anything heavier than rock that is)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fail #98: Even More So Than Arsenal

Holy crap, i thought the big news was Arsenal losing 1-0 to Sunderland, which is very big news (but Arsenal are still the better team, and thats not to piss off wongy)....but then i saw the other scores....did you guys see the score for tottemham vs wigan?!?!?!

Holy Moley!!! Defoe scored 5 freackin goals!!! thats mental!
if you wanna check it out, go here
Tis crazy, epic fail by wigan

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fail #97: Uncle Neil

At my gathering on friday, my uncle Neil came along, some of you met him some of you didnt. When he came into the kitchen and was introduced to kayla, kathryn said, "yeah, his GF". and uncle neil's reaction?

"Grand Final?"

ooookay uncle neil....go back to your beer...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fail #96: English Exam

Well lets put it into dot points because thats informative and easy to understand:

  • Im pretty sure i failed and i dont know why i did bad cos english should be piss easy for me
  • The exams should have questions that are relative to what we have actually done during the year
  • "Discuss how your wider reading has helped you to understand 'text two'."
  • The above question is easily answered, "I was able to understand the text because of my reading ability". Unless they wanted something like, "I read Lord of the Flies and it helped me understand because Ralph is good and piggy symbolizes law and order and reason"....they probably did want something like that, because its just as irrelevant as the question!
  • Fail #1 of exams....nice start!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fail #95: Munch of a Munchness

Did You Like What I Did There?.....with the spin off of "much of a muchness" to "munch of a mun"....yeah, you get it. I liked it.

Moving on, My Pop, or grandfather for a more universal reference, munches like a gorilla with the munchies! (or my sister with the munchies....that was for Geoff cos i know he enjoys a bit of teasing the little....humongous!!!!.... piggy) I mean honestly, i have never heard a louder mouth in my life, and i haven't heard a louder mouth in all of your lives too, its outrageous! He doesnt even have to eat something to be slurping and saliva-ising his mouth. I love my pop, but For Satan's Sake! munch a little less please skullgreymon!

you havent heard it so your lucky, every dinner time my fist is red from gripping my cutlery so hard and clenching my fist so tight. the worst is an apple, and his slurpping of his coffee/tea is aggrivationg. and guess what? my dad has inheritted it.....bloody fantastic!

(me and kath make fun of pop behind his back and see how loud we can slurp and munch without peple noticing...dinner is a dangerous time when kath and i are in a funny mood)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fail #94: Art

...It Fucks Shit Up...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fail #93: Rove

Its the first time and last time rove will ever fail. Its been a show i've grown to watch over the last years and has always been a show i love and laugh at. But now its finished.....not for the year, not till the next season, but forever.

Ive said Goodbye to my Mum For Ya' Rove. Its sad to say goodbye.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fail #92: Cummon

I Love All My Friends. I Don't Want To Hurt Them.


Fail 91: People

Oh My God, Stupid People,

Who Don't Understand A Thing.

Why Are You So Delectable

But Translucent In....Everything?!?!

When You Try Your Best, To Do Your Best,

For Everyone You Love

Why Should You Face The Consequences

Of Something You're Indicative Of?

So I Say To Thee, Get Off Your Throne,

And Back Into Reality,

There's No Horse Down here, Where you cant see,

No disrespect To You, My Obvious Royalty

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fail #90: Pretty Self Explanitory

Just follow The link


If you have a look at her, "complete profile" then you see on the side, when the blog was made, you find that she's quite a frequent blogger...
Or you could just look at the date of her one and only post.

as i was writing this post....i thought to myself, what if she's dead....she lives in iraq and, yeah. i feel a bit bad now, i hope she isnt dead.

but still!!! Musicprofessiomihi, i know you didnt do much to make this blog fail, but you could probably add this to the list...unless its a strict, "DESTROY!" policy. which i'd understand.

Maybe she's dead....either way, if she is alive, her blog fails.....if she is dead....well, she kinda failed life. i promise this post would be the last "life-fail-by-death" post if she is dead.

oh and her english fails too. and what is the connection between "fml" and her blog title, "The Life Is Beautiful"?

Fail #89: Evil Dogs....Charlie

Charlie, an evil dog that conrad found on the streets, in a gutter and shooting up drugs was generously taken into a nice home by the man himself (conrad). Although his kind nature is fun and friendly....
...His other side comes out just as Strong...the "Evil-Charlie-Side". Him and his relentless tooth were out to get us.
So we decided to hide in conrads bin.

Charlie had found us!!!

Can you see him?!?! CREEPY!

Fail #89: Fans and Hands

Yesterday, when i was over conrads with miguel to complete our english presentations, we didnt get ,much sleep.....at all. I was a bit stupid, as always, and spontaneously decided to throw my hand up into conrads fan....it hurt alot....Who would have known?!?!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fail #87: Flying

I wish i could fly so bad! and then it hit me....
If i simply increased my "arm-span" to be like "wing-span" then i could fly! Simple huh?

I was ready to fly away!

Take Off Time....


i flew around my room and into walls. There was this weird barrier thing that i couldnt get passed in my room on the walls that i could see the outside through.....but i couldnt go through it. it must have been some kind of invisible forcefield that i couldnt pass. but i kept trying and thats how i landed.

You should give it a go, flying is awesome!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fail #86: Disney Subliminal Messages

There are a few, its really weird. and you need to find the one with pokemon where james states:

"Leo Burnett and 4kids are the devil! Leo Burnett..."

Its actually really creepy. find it!

Fail #85: Chuck Norris....dont kill me for saying it chuck, i mean no disrespect!

okay, here are some chuck norris quotes that i thought were hillarious. Chuck norris sure has a strong character when people believe these things...

Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice
Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands
Chuck Norris' calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris can speak braille
Chuck Norris once won a game of Connect Four in 3 moves
Chuck Norris can do a wheelie on a unicycle
Giraffes were created when Chuck Norris uppercutted a horse
Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird
Chuck Norris secretly sleeps with every woman in the world once a month. They bleed for a week as a result
Death once had a near-Chuck-Norris experience
Chuck Norris doesn't have hair on his testicles, because hair does not grow on steel
If you play Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" backwards, you will hear Chuck Norris banging your sister
Chuck Norris can squeeze orange juice out of a lemon
Chuck Norris doesn't pop his collar, his shirts just get erections when they touch his body
Chuck Norris never retreats, he just attacks in the opposite direction
Chuck Norris can drown a fish
Chuck Norris once punched a man in the soul
Chuck Norris can make a paraplegic run for his life
Chuck Norris doesn't use pickup lines, he simply says, "Now."
Chuck Norris likes to knit sweaters in his free time. And by "knit", I mean "kick", and by "sweaters", I mean "babies".

All these quotes are from a site that the sentences are linked to. If you find Chuck Norris, your lying, chuck norris finds you, so be sure to give him starbursts, its the only way to keep him from roundhousing your ass...worked for me. stay safe

Thursday, October 29, 2009



She May Be Cute, But Looks Can Be Decieving....Dont Look Into Her Eyes!!!

Fail #83: Oh And This!

"This" happened on tuesday after school at edgewater trainstation....i think it was wednesday.

Fail #82: Mosh Injuries

The Moshing at battle of the bands was awesome. There wasnt a band up on stage worth headbanging to properly but one band, the metal/punk/pop-hardcore band, "We Can Breathe In Space" who were soooo awesome with their breakdowns and catchy choruses. i mean, ive been, along with my friendly friends, to see many bands and i have never moshed before. Unless you count the rise against concert where there was a mosh and me and geoff went into it, but the song stopped and we just kinda went in and out the other side...i think. so i dont count that one.

But we, mainly speaking of Miguel, geoffrey, wongy and myself (and maybe brandon and blaise, whom i cant remember seeing amongst the mosh-ers), were nicely sweaty afterwards (wongy knows as he was on the floor when i was headbanging his face and got sweat all over his face from my hair) and we were all feeling a bit of headbanging hurt. I got some scratches and got beaten up a little in the moshing, and geoff went crazy as did miguel and wongy. I particularly enjoyed the enthusiasm radiating from geoffrey getting excited during the pre-performance with me and he went mental in the mosh too....escaped with some neck pain, but was okay...until he moved his head to the side and felt his neck muscles pull to a degree that hurt him and was present the morning after (from what i can remember of discussion).

Surprisingly, the red elbow is the one thats fine....its the one in the middle that really hurts still....though theres not much to show from it.

None of us were victim to severe "bangover" i think is what miguel refered to it as...though in saying this my neck is still stiff and im guessing everyone elses is too. Though i escaped, i did something to my elbow, cos it really hurts still, and got those few marks. but a truelly awesome night thanks to "We Can Breathe In Space". A good night out (in the end).

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fail #81: George W. Bush

George W. Bush

In a magnificent digital photography lesson full of life lessons and stuff, i found out how much of an idiot George really was....and is. Ive compiled a few of his most uplifting, inspiring quotes. Here you go:

  • “The thing that's wrong with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur”
  • “Most imports are from outside of the country”
  • “Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness.”
  • “I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.”
  • “It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it.”
  • We're concerned about AIDS inside our White House—make no mistake about it.
  • I think we agree, the past is over.
  • I promise you, I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasnt here
  • If affirmative action means what I just described, what I'm for, then I'm for it.
  • I have opinions of my own, strong opinions, but i dont always agree with them.
  • “They misunderestimated me.”
  • “I am the right.”

...As Bush clearly and accurately states for once in his life, “In my sentences I go where no man has gone before.” and, "I admit it, i am not one of the great linguists"....no George, No you're not.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fail #80: My Knowledge of the Red Hot Chili Peppers

I didnt know that Will Ferrell played drums for the Chili Peppers!!!

And that Roony played Bass for them!!!

Crazy Stuff

Fail #79: Wise words and Nice Pictures

Yes, we've all seen them at joondalup station. The wise words of people talking of time before civilisation, words of aborigine's of the men and women telling tales of long ago. and next to them are the nice tiles of pictures, very small, but they are viewer friendly. They have things like a cave drawn, or a lake, or a baby, or a tree and mountain, but brandon and i found a few that were strange. There was the Carrot that was spelt, "carrota" and a qoute by mr Cock-man, and then there was this...

condom....oooooh, ofcourse...impasto wouldnt you say?

Fail #78: OH SHIIIIIIT!!!!!


Friday, October 23, 2009

Fail #77: My Nipples

Well at adventure world, my self-confidence was hit by a de-railed peddle-cart....(travelling awefully fast)....or maybe it was miguel....and blaise....yeah, i think it was two renagde peddle-carts. but the first was the initial shock, the second cart hit me and knocked me down a biut further.
Anyway, happily escaping that stupid makeshift metaphore thingy, what happened was miguel told me i had extremely low nipples, i had thought this myself, but dismissed the idea as i thought it wouldnt be noticed after 16 years of my life having my top off (not consistently obviously).....but it was confirmed by blaise after miguel had "noticed". It hurt, like a dinosaur would hurt if a helicopter....well, you know....

Ill have an official vote on yes or no in comments
.....here they are:

P.S. i wont be offended if they are....cos i kinda think they are too....but if you vote "yes", then i will hate you forever....just kidding, only for the last year of school, cos i wont keep in contact with you after year 12

....have fun!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fail #76: Athiests

At "JB-HiFi", they have special imports of Athiest's, this must mean that they find it rare to get athiests in their store....maybe if the world was more like jb-hifi, the world would be better off

Fail #75: I really wish!!!

I wanna be super Saiyan so bad!!!

and yeah, thats my new haircut...its not crap, its not good...but i like my longer hair.

I have better pictures in costume, some have seen them, ive got the robe and the headband, and yeah, i think i would be able to fly if i wore it again, but i dont have the necessary costume to do that right now. Maybe for a rainy day ill post them.


P.S.S. These pictures of me, and all other self-taken photo's is not me trying to look serious, i just dont smile and thats how they turn out. And thats a fail in itself too.

Fail #74: Introducing "Indie"

This is my 10 week old boy, puppy boarder-collie, "Indie" (Indiana)

CUUUUUTE!!! He seems so at peace!

.....but he's a bloody tough dog when hes excited and playing, he did this to me...

on my chest and tummy..
WHAT!?!?! it hurt...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fail #73: The FAILBlogger

I am "Thefailblogger"!!! Not you!!!

I blog about fails with articles....with expressed opinion, like a blog. But i guess there is enough fails in this world for two people.....BUT ONLY TWO!!! I WILL KILL THE NEXT "FAILBLOGGER"!!!....i will find you and hunt you down other "failblogger"s.

You can find this failing "FailBlogger" at http://failblogger.org/ he started posting in early august, so im glad i beat him to it. he has a youtube channel too, its http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFAILBlogger and i will be keeping a very close eye on him...unless he comes to kill me cos he's kind of 24 and american, so he probably owns a gun, a 'long-rifle' most probably....either way, its a gun.


Watch yourself 'FailBlogger'. i will go ape shit on your ass

...yeah, i dont think you want me to "ape-shit" on your ass, cos that would be messy

....so watch it

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fail #72: Are We Really That.......GAY!?!?!?

Joe was trying on suits yesterday with the guidance of his mother Danni, His awesome friend, Annie (who is not Joe's "Fuck Pixie") and myself, the hot diva himself. Apart from admiring the awesome style, with annie, of the receptionist that worked there, Annie was extremely jealous, what she was wearing was freakin awesome and she was just really cool. Anyway, apart from her and also me and annie having fun, fun as in me knocking over the ties 100 times by accident, me and joe had our version fun too.

(if i recount the story wrong, please correct me in the comments joe or annie)

Well at the end we were at the counter, one receptionist asked if it was for the ball and we said yes, and me and joe joked that we were gonna go with each other (after addressing how we arent good enough for each other, in a violent bloody fight...no exagguration) and we put our arms around each other...the receptionist asked if we were going out...i thought i saw her smile and was joking, but she thought me and joe were gay together and reached the conclusion by acknowledging our interaction with each other during the 10 mins we were there.

So i ask you all, oh honest friends, Are We Really......GAY???

Fail #71: Sacrifices For School

Yesterday i got up at 4:30 to do my art assignment. I went to bed earlier than i ussually do, which was supposed to be 10pm but i read my book and i dont ussually decide to sleep and i drop unconscious straight away, so it was after 10 but before 11, and planned to get heaps done early in the morning.

I got the noisey alarm on my phone (which is "Turn It Off" by paramore from brand new eyes and i didnt realise till just now that its called "Turn It Off" and i have to "Turn It Off" cos its my alarm...cool) so yeah it went and i Turned It Off, got up extremely hesitantly considering going back to bed but got up gingerly and have asleep still. I went to the kitchen made my coffee turned on the computer, got blinded by the lights and hurt my eyes whilst squinting at the shiny/bright computer screen and collected my bag up. I checked my emails (to see if my artist had replied to the email i'd sent which is vital to my assignment, and she hadnt) then did routine blog checks for 5 mins and then got out my art assignment outlines and notes, etc......but it wasnt in my bag...FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.......

So what i had planned to get up for wasnt there so i stayed up listening to music.....waste of freaking time!!! Im posting this this morning (friday...INDOOOOOOOOR!!!!) and i got up 5am this moring to do homework, and it kinda worked. but man was i pissed yesterday morning.

Fail #70: Bus Drivers

Have you ever considered to stop and take a minute to think about the life of a bus driver? Well i did yesterday when i was going to school on the bus and a Bus Driver, In Bus Driver Uniform, caught the bus...i laughed, but then felt sorry for him. Maybe he didnt own a car because bus driving, i would have thought, wouldnt provide the highest salary. And he cant buy a private bus to drive around instead of a car because he feels like it (i pressume anyway because thats senseless). Its his profession to drive a long car, he has to drive it all day and he isnt even allowed to listen to any music, no Mp3 or iPod or radio....maybe the other bus drivers could transmit their renditions of a song on the walkie-talkie things. But thats all the noise he gets apart from annoying people asking him to satisfy their needs...which varies from stoping at a certain stop to taking their money and giving them a piece of paper in return.

I just think it might be a sad life to live....unless your the black bus driver who's awesome and is always enthusiastic (remember annie when i walked you to the bus stop outside school a while back during the day and he picked you up, but i didnt go on, and he gave me thumbs up and was really friendly?....YEAH HIM!!!)

Just a thought.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fail #69: The post is about this drum tab, but i gotta recognise the number of the fail...

Well i was tryig to learn "The Flood" By escape the fate on drums today and i get 3/4 of the way through the song and the next line reads that he isnt completing the tab...what a douche! i hate that!!!

Thiss is how it goes..


C1 X---x---x---x---x---x---x-------x---x---x---x--- ----------------
CC---------------------------- X-X------------------ ----------------
S----o-------o-- ------o-------o------o-------o--- -ooooo-o--------
B--o-----o-o---- -o-o-----o-o--- --o-----o-o---o- ----------------

"...and im tired so you can finish the rest its very simple just listen to it"



Fail #68: I Kinda Lied....But Not Really

The Sticky tape was wrenched off me today after school...and my attempts to swat away grabbing hands ended in me swatting liss' Boobs....and the swat lasted for about 2 seconds. so it wasnt a swat, it was more of a grab....sorry liss, i didnt mean to. But yeah,. it hurt and those who witnessed know how much hair was ripped off, alot!


Fail #67: My Hairy Legs/Sticky Tape

Im in phys ed, the class after photography, and i am in my summer uniform. That means ive got exposed legs, and you know my legs, hairy as a yeti. and matthew put sticky tape on them...im not going to get it off....ever

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fail #66: Twitchy Eye

Well my eyes started twitching again (well, its only my right eye....andnits not my eye, its the eye lid, underneath), i used to think its cos of my sleep and late nights, but kath said that its cos of stress, i thought they were both high in probablilty, but i though it was mostly sleep. Since the holidays started my eye hasnt twitched....the night before school when im doing my assignments.....its back on....full throttle!!! so im pretty sure its stress now. i may not be as stressed as other people, i wont credit myself for being "SO STRESSED", "MORE STRESSED THAN YOU", or just plain think im the most important, its just tht my eye is so annoying!


That is all.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fail #65: Siobhan Broke the Cabinet

Fail #64: Bali Sights and Experiences

Well bali was awesome, bought lots of cds and dvds and some shirts and my first pair of official sunglasses too (im quite proud of the latter) But there were some dodgy things going on too. i could post them seperately and write up on all of them individually, but that would take too long....or im just really lazy. So here are some images. ENJOY!

These Masks were watching me eat dinner, they freaked me out

Their spelling was terrible

Spelling again

Disgraceful, just disgraceful

The pathways in bali were very dodgy in some places. not all, but in the places where this occured. the holes werent every 100 meters or anything, more like every 5 steps...

Early rise breakfast for is you CBF

Or maybe "Big Boobs"?

You Couldnt Go Past The "Screaming Orgasm"

We went out to a club to see the transvestites singing, but it turned out to be a bit more interactive than we expected...

This was james just after the transvestite walked down to him touched his face and made him kiss her/him/it on the cheek but turned his/her/its face when he went to kiss him/her/it and kissed him/her/it on the lips....poor man

If you can make sense of this picture, you can see a tyranny's legs wrapped around a seated mans head while she sits on his table

This one was freaky, she had these pants that didnt leave much to the imagination

The man you see on the stage got taken up on stage 3 time by three different transvestite performers, i felt sorry for him. The tranny here was taking of tina turner.

They are put their hands down his pants too and felt him up....for real, no jokes or pretending.

dad was very embarrased that he had allowed us to go there, we were with two other families with kids and it was expected to be just singing and dancing transvestites but they were interactive. i didnt make eye contact.

Twas an interesting Trip to say the least.