Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fail #167: Drum Fail

My drums 'epic capacity' is not big enough to withstand my 'epic capacity'. I come to this conclusion from the fact that today whilst blessthefall-ing and Attack Attack!-ing...my crash cymbal flew off...too much epic was used..i was over 9000.

therefore....new kit is needed. Desperately. (over the holidays i think my dads gonna help me buy an electric kit...not the real sound, but you know, its something that i can play without my parents complaining about the noise. damn you parents!


  1. If you gowna sell your current kit gimme a shout. Im looking for one

  2. Conor! talk to me about electric drum kits, I did some research, coz I'm looking for one too, I've got all the facts on them, inputs from all kinds of drummers so yeah, give us a shout and I can help you out!

  3. get the kit conor!!! something that can handle your over 9000 epic and then we can blessthedall and breakdown and be able to play anywhere because you can take it around! =D

  4. "we can blessthedall and breakdown"
    - "blessthedall"
    - "blessthedoll"
    - "blessthedole"
    - "blessthehole"
    - "Im a faggot"

    Mmmyes. Wise words Nngyeophrie.

  5. from experience, yes elctric kits do rather please those parental people:D:D
    ...but dont go beating the living crap out of it lol, an acoustic will take a LOT more:P. but coolies, pretty easy to transport as long as u have half decent boot space too XD.
