Friday, June 11, 2010

Fail #159: Hair Styles

Its F-ing 4am in the morning! (thats right, i didnt go to bed afterwards. you know who you are)

Ive had many different hair experiments in my time and i thought it was time to share a few.

#1) Straightened and Messed

#2) Dodgilly straightened (second one with a dodgy 'part')

#3) I think i look like trunks, or a Dragonball Z character with this one...but thats just me

#4) I was so happy in this one because it was when i got my new tooth after my other one got knocked out. This is the only photo i dont mind with me smiling properly in it.

#5) Kayla's 16th Party. (longish) ive got a photo on my passport and my hair is super long, ill fail it one day when i actually put it on the computer digitally.

#6) Not washed/straightened/rounded wierdly

#7) When i let it grow long

#8) Short/shit was trimmed (at old trafford in the seat fergie sits in. Sweet, i know)

#9) When i dyed it red/long and loved turning for a photo to find out its a Miggy-Clown wanting to eat me

#10) Blaises 16th. Straightened and waxed like a bitch

#11) I tried to get dragonball Z hair. I think i pulled it off.

#12) When i was a Carnarvon kindy youngin' /Comb-over (i became a pro in primary school)

#13) Straightened bowl-like

#14) Straightened and teased with fringe (girly)

#15) Beckham Braids (?spelling?)

#16) 2D

I'd like to thank darcie for her support. Without her, this wouldn't have been possible. Thankyou, Darcie

All of these hair styles would never be publically shown, as in, i wouldnt ever wear them out, thats crazy. Almost all of them need to be cut in a specific way to be good as a style, and i dont have that cut. But one day my friends, i will get an epic hair style. My post-hardcore heart depends on it.


  1. do the dragon ball z ones again!

  2. Does Number 5 come with a Zombie attached?

  3. i love your hair so very very much.

  4. oh yeah, and in the first one you look like cloud strife.
    even more reason to <3 your hair.

  5. I prefer Number 7 & Number 10 personally ... especially Number 7 ... Juicy.

  6. I love how one of them isn't actually you

  7. I swear that the one that isnt really is me! i transformed into a sexy ass old rocker man. Its definately not you james. Okay its james.

  8. OMG CONOR!!! 1 and 6!!

    man crush growing...


    TAKE ME NOW!!!!

  9. funny thing is, everyone else is joking.

    Jordan is dead serious.

    ...looks like there's competition.
