Monday, June 21, 2010

Fail #165: Tellemarketer Convo

Siobhan (Half Sister....Half Cow): Hello?

Tellemarketer: HULLOOOOO! Would you like to plan your funeral?

Tellemarketer: *doesnt give siobhan time to answer* "Well we will offer you......blah blah blah.............. Yes?"

Siobhan: Ummm, no. Im 15.

Tellemarketer: kk Thanks. *hangs up*

Well, thats not exactly 'quotable', but thats the gist. the tellemarketer asked siobhan if she wanted to buy their funeral plans and stuff and then she said she was 15 after they rambled on about shit. They dont give you time to state if you're the house owner or over 18 or anythihng. they piss me off. Not as much as most though. But still, they fail.
Also, my sister isnt half cow, nor is she my half-sister. She's just siobhan. Dont hate on me hating on my sister! or do, whatever. (geoff and wongy hate on her just as much...well, they dont do it as often, but when they do it its an epic burn and is enough burn to last 21 years. Geoff and Wongay's burns are pretty much life-sentence burn's.


  1. our burns are eternal! she shall be a forever burn/fail/half-cow-half-man-half-spawn-half-ranger-half-moose organism
