Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fail #169: Sweet, Sweet Chicken Kiev

Well, it was after football training tonight that i was picked up by my Pop (grandfather) and taken back to my grandparents house to have a beautiful dinner which included veggies, potato casserole, some cauliflower-cheese and an amazing chicken Kiev (chicken breast stuffed with bacon/ham with creamy cheesiness sauce in the middle for those who are unlucky enough to not know). so i wanted to try out the cheesey creamy sauce on my Kiev i had saved till last that was set out infront of me for my own helping. i was going to ask my Nanna what the sauce was but i was hungry cos it was after training (i was eating by myself because they had eaten before during my training) so i didnt ask Nanna and went straight for the sauce. I tried it and it was really nice...a bit strangely sweet, but thats okay cos it didnt taste half bad. was custard. THE END.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fail #168: Attack Attack! Tour

WHY OH WHY!?!?!?! First blessthefall come and do a concert that was an over 18's gig! and now Attack Attack is coming to Australia on account of "Take Action" which is an organization that deals with contemporary issues within society such as teen suicide, bullying, drugs and basically the younger generations issues, and they arent coming to perth!!! theyre going up and down the east coast and skipping us perthlings!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!! Sucks massive so upset. fuck all you haters of Attack Attack! can go [insert abusive and foul langauge/threats here]. yeah, thats right.

On another Fail, ill call this one Fail #169: Attack Attack! Popularity

As much as i love attack attack!....i dont want people to make them just another band thats gone popular that everyone likes. In descriptions they are explained as creators of crabcore though topping the post-hardcore hierarchy...which means that theyre becoming popular. In many many reviews theyve been told that the new album was shit..which is why im confused as to why some articles say that they are topping the post-hardcore genre. I hope that everyone who disses them aloud, dies. i dont mind if you dont like them, just keep your insults to yourself. Im really quite in the hating mood at the moment. after an encounter with "Aussie Boar Hunter" magazine, im feeling 'no nonsense' (is that how you spell it? Nonesense? nonsense? Nonsence?...hmmm).

Haters dont deserve Attack Attack!'s brilliance!

Its one of those protective things that are strange because you want them to be recognised as good, but dont want them to be loved by everyone because you feel that you love them and dont want to be "another" person that loves them. COME TO PERTH!!!

pretty bad news, im upset.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fail #167: Drum Fail

My drums 'epic capacity' is not big enough to withstand my 'epic capacity'. I come to this conclusion from the fact that today whilst blessthefall-ing and Attack Attack! crash cymbal flew off...too much epic was used..i was over 9000. kit is needed. Desperately. (over the holidays i think my dads gonna help me buy an electric kit...not the real sound, but you know, its something that i can play without my parents complaining about the noise. damn you parents!

Fail #166: Brittany Spears

Blessthefall, an amazing band who has seen the likes of craig mabbitt sing as lead for their debut album "His Last Walk" which only now is ironic that it was "His Last....Album" or "his Last Walk" with them, like the last supper or something. I dunno. but the pint is, blessthefall had him, then he got kicked out and Beau Bokan came in who is as eqaully sexy as Craig. Now, they are the funniest freaking band i have ever watched. they update their youtibe accounts everyweek when they go on tour and have the funniest footage ever of their concerts and bus times and walking around cities and stuff (pranking other bands, bartering with the tolls they have to pay when crossing areas...which doesnt mean, they are bartering money, they barter with oreo's and tranbsformers masks) .

SO THE PINT OF THIS FAIL...comes with one of their video's on youtube which has Beau (the singer) on drums Matt Traynor (drummer) on vocals and their normal Bassist jared on bass all jamming to a cover of brittany spears' "circus" song. Yes they cover the song, and they arent blessthefall during this vieo, theyre "blessthespears"...they do a better job than brittany spears herself, especially live, since they actually perform it without lip syncing...

i cant ge the link on right now...cos im a gay spastic, but copy and paste this "Matt Traynor Goes Crazyy!"....and laugh at their awesomeness!

its only a 1minute clip so if your worried about it not being worth the load, then its only small...and definately worth the 'load'..

Best. Band.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Fail #165: Tellemarketer Convo

Siobhan (Half Sister....Half Cow): Hello?

Tellemarketer: HULLOOOOO! Would you like to plan your funeral?

Tellemarketer: *doesnt give siobhan time to answer* "Well we will offer you......blah blah blah.............. Yes?"

Siobhan: Ummm, no. Im 15.

Tellemarketer: kk Thanks. *hangs up*

Well, thats not exactly 'quotable', but thats the gist. the tellemarketer asked siobhan if she wanted to buy their funeral plans and stuff and then she said she was 15 after they rambled on about shit. They dont give you time to state if you're the house owner or over 18 or anythihng. they piss me off. Not as much as most though. But still, they fail.
Also, my sister isnt half cow, nor is she my half-sister. She's just siobhan. Dont hate on me hating on my sister! or do, whatever. (geoff and wongy hate on her just as much...well, they dont do it as often, but when they do it its an epic burn and is enough burn to last 21 years. Geoff and Wongay's burns are pretty much life-sentence burn's.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fail #164: Thinking Your Funny.

I think im hilarious!
Specific to text that is. Whenever i text people i laugh so hard at the stuff i write, but i dont think the other person ever returns the feeling of humour i felt from myself. its actually quite hilarious in itself. Also extremely sad...

E.g. Taylor: "Hey. Dont forget the DVDs"

Conor: "Hey. Dont forget your face"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The most unoriginal comeback of this century i believe, but i still cracked up laughing. I dont think i am alone however. I believe there would be other here who laugh at themselves. I bet brandon is one of them....and joe. hahaha.

Well, im done insulting myself. share if you laugh at yourself or if im a retard loser...or both, whatever.

Fail #163: Sleep!!!

I should be sleeping along with a few others. Im not gonna post much at all about this. But ill leave you with a little something to think about.

...about 12 hours of anime straight...during the night...

..Fucking Epic...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fail #162: Considering Joining Miguel In Stalking...


Miguel went through a stalking stage with them where he commented on all their facebook updates and myspace stuff. He messaged them and stuff for a few months and he was worried he would be shunned by the band cos they would know him as an annoying fanboy. I discussed it with him at one of their shows (the House Vs Hurricane one) and we decided that he should stop stalking them....atleast for a week or few. I dont know his status, but what he probably does is just checks all their stuff but doesnt comment, unless he's gone back to stalking them.

However, tonight i commented on a youtube video they put up of the performance from Joondalup Battle of the bands which myself, miguel, geoff, wong, brandon, blaise, and a few others were present at (liss came but unfortunately missed WCBIS, who won the competition hands down). I commented and then i got a comment back saying thanks and that they were happy to have gained some loyal support from we who attended (that includes Me!!! and MIguel!!! Miguel! thats us!!!) my point here is, im considering joining forces with miguel to stalk them because of the fact that they are the sweetest band, and that they reply to your comments and make you feel Loooooooved!!! I love their love!

So yeah, theyre going on the july tour over east and then Joelski said that they were doing a gig after the tour but they couldnt tell me who they were touring with. (i think miguel may have been told this also) i think we need to grab people and get the hell over to that fucking gig!!! Even if you hate them!!! its soo much fun! me and miguel have had many fun memories from their concerts. including going all the way to fucking Cockburn (i can garuntee there will be someone with the cock-burn comment afterwards) and then me doing a random cartwheel and landing on borken glass which cutted upped my handes, and then having the crappy equipment used by the band and catching the train home late listening to Bring Me The Horizon, in silence, dead, on the train, dead, falling asleep on the train, in deadly silence, to Bring me The Horizon, in silency get the idea about the trainy silencing and BMTH and all that jazz? good.

So it was all trainy and silent and there was music, and it was me and miguel and it was on a train after watching WCBIS, not on a train, at cockburn, in silence, not the band listening in silence, listen to the band bring me the horizon, the band, on the silent train in silency silentness at the stop, and on the train, at night in cockburn about 11 o'clock on a train at silent cockburn, no, the train wasnt silent, nor was cockburn, the train was pretty quiet actually, but thats not what im syaing, the train was what me and miguel were on, after WCBIS at cockburn and we were listening to bring me the horizon and im sorry for making you read this if you read this silency, non-silent paagraph about silentness at cckburn training with miguel at night whilst being cockburn.

so yeah, it was pretty fun....and silent.

So miguel, shall we begin to stalk?Pickup where you left off? in silency deadness?

Not in cockburn. But in dead silence.



*dead silence*

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fail #161: Dad and Kath Have turned!

I need to be adopted promptly by someone as my parents have turned away from their former personalities and adopted a valueless and dangerous persona. I came home to this one night...

Scary, scary shit...

Fail #160: Wow...

Well then brandon. What is this? My Shirt that i LENT you (which is awesome and epic and also mine which i lent you) isnt good enough? is that it? Well, my revenge is posting you half naked, mildly milky and dare-i-say, as sexy as a damn sexy........llama. You fugly motherfucker.

I immediately regret my harsh words. Brandon, even if your parents don't love you, know that me and Joe do very much.

Lots of Love,

Conor xoxoxoxoxo


Friday, June 11, 2010

Fail #159: Hair Styles

Its F-ing 4am in the morning! (thats right, i didnt go to bed afterwards. you know who you are)

Ive had many different hair experiments in my time and i thought it was time to share a few.

#1) Straightened and Messed

#2) Dodgilly straightened (second one with a dodgy 'part')

#3) I think i look like trunks, or a Dragonball Z character with this one...but thats just me

#4) I was so happy in this one because it was when i got my new tooth after my other one got knocked out. This is the only photo i dont mind with me smiling properly in it.

#5) Kayla's 16th Party. (longish) ive got a photo on my passport and my hair is super long, ill fail it one day when i actually put it on the computer digitally.

#6) Not washed/straightened/rounded wierdly

#7) When i let it grow long

#8) Short/shit was trimmed (at old trafford in the seat fergie sits in. Sweet, i know)

#9) When i dyed it red/long and loved turning for a photo to find out its a Miggy-Clown wanting to eat me

#10) Blaises 16th. Straightened and waxed like a bitch

#11) I tried to get dragonball Z hair. I think i pulled it off.

#12) When i was a Carnarvon kindy youngin' /Comb-over (i became a pro in primary school)

#13) Straightened bowl-like

#14) Straightened and teased with fringe (girly)

#15) Beckham Braids (?spelling?)

#16) 2D

I'd like to thank darcie for her support. Without her, this wouldn't have been possible. Thankyou, Darcie

All of these hair styles would never be publically shown, as in, i wouldnt ever wear them out, thats crazy. Almost all of them need to be cut in a specific way to be good as a style, and i dont have that cut. But one day my friends, i will get an epic hair style. My post-hardcore heart depends on it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fail #158: Just an"other" Person

On facebook, yes the crazy facebook night was tonight with all the tagging and lkunchtime photos and stuff, matthew became frinds with a few people as he decided to hit the web and log onto his account. i made friends with him (yes darcie, i MADE friends with matthew) and i was dismissed along with some others. I was quite offended.
"matthew is now friends with Andrew Nish and 5 other people"
geez! way to put us down facebook. "5 other people"? thanks alot, i feel real valued. What? does facebook now have a social ranking authority? some kind of psychic ability to see who is importnant and who isnt?
...well, if you ask say its pretty damn accurate.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fail #157: Hypocrissy!

Nice Friend says: "Penny for your thoughts?"

Conor: "UMKAY!!!...This blog is one giant mindfuck....its hypocritical. Its doing what its supposed to be doing, failing, but isnt by technical means of musicprofessiomihi's failblogs which is why i chose to do a fail blog. Because i would post fails, and it would be fails, but if i didnt continue the blog, then i would go on the failblog list, which meant the blog failed, which is good since its a failblog, but im still going with fails even though im not on the failblog list, so its hypocritical. matthew and geoff have this in their minds (i think) so they dont give me the honours of having an official failblog. but i dont wanna go up there, but i wanna keep failing. when i get on the failblog list, if i ever, then i'll win, which isnt failing. but i dont wanna win cos i dont wanna be a failblog even though it already is!!!"

Nice Friend: "...Give me my fucking penny back"