Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fail #108: Dragonball Z Fans in Our Group

Well, i recently met the Z Fighters....yeah, meet and greet. and i made friends with Vageta and Goku. We had lunch, played mini golf, you know, the norm. and they both wanted earrings so i suggested that they get clip on earrings cos they're cheaper and if you dont like them, then throw them out and they dont leave holes in your ears. they did so, but they bought these really cool ones in a pair and each of them got one. and when they tried them on..... OH MY GOD!!! They fused and became one! His Name is Vagito/Vagitto/Vagetto/Vageto...i cant find anywhere for the proper spelling. But he is....


And together, we searched and found all the dragon balls!!! and i wished for the dragonballs to not fly away after i used them. so now ive obtained the seven dragonballs. and Vagitto (?) stands on my desk. we chat here and there, he's a really cool dude.





  1. Wait, I'm confused.

    Did you buy the Dragonballz?

    (see what I did there? I meant to say "dragonballs" as the plural of "dragonball", but I replaced the s with a z so that it's alluding to the title of the television series. funny, right?)

  2. i was gonna do that too, great mindz think alike. :)

    yeah i bought them. i didnt really go on a quest for the dragonballz. but they are mine.

  3. you bitch, you have teh dragon balls and vegito, goddamnit you better have wished for another season of clone high, and a better remake of the drangonball z movie!

  4. gracie told me how much those little yellow rubber orbs costed you....

    what the hell is wrong with you?
