Monday, October 25, 2010

Fail #206: Out of Businuss?

It seems the boys at musicprofessiomihi have run into a big issue regarding continuing attactive blogging with one of their most well known traits of recounts of group activities and happening with the awesomeness of relevant photo's. This aint cool. i would like to tease them and be a bitch as a fellow blogger (if i can call myself a blogger these days). but i think this is terrible, i think my love for musicprofessiomihi is known and i would hate for them to shut down (even if they are huge A-holes who sometimes make me look like the douche i really am. love y'all).

It's a fail noonetheless. and heres a picture on my blog.


  1. we cannot be stopped! we will figure this out....

  2. Unofficial Fail #300; You spelling business wrong in the post title.

    *returns to corner to cry about his blog*

    ...we totally got this.

  3. wow, i cant believe i spelt bissannuss wrong. I was so focused on getting the word right, that i got it wrong. shhhh! it makes sense.

    Im not fixing it. :)
