Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fail #208: AND....*drum roll*

By popular demand (well, by more appealing and entertaining purposes really), out of Me and Darcie,....


Dont worry, i counted the votes. it all adds up to brandon failing and not me. -.-

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fail #207: Conor or Darcie?

Okay, so who fails?

There is a monumental battle going on and i need to know who fails in the arguement, Me or Darcie.

So if anyone would like to drop a name in the comments for who fails, that'd be great. :D


p.s. I love you all, my friends, my comrades. I love you all so much. <3

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fail #206: Out of Businuss?

It seems the boys at musicprofessiomihi have run into a big issue regarding continuing attactive blogging with one of their most well known traits of recounts of group activities and happening with the awesomeness of relevant photo's. This aint cool. i would like to tease them and be a bitch as a fellow blogger (if i can call myself a blogger these days). but i think this is terrible, i think my love for musicprofessiomihi is known and i would hate for them to shut down (even if they are huge A-holes who sometimes make me look like the douche i really am. love y'all).

It's a fail noonetheless. and heres a picture on my blog.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fail #205: My Art Deserves To Be Noticed!

Most of you will remember my piece of crap art with the Chicken on a plate above the words, "This is not my dinner". Well, i thought that i could improve on it and it would be amazing, brilliant, magnificent and even worth a lot of money. So i grabbed my good friend Brittany and we got to work on my art to make it look spectalitranomious.


tis Wongy (We did most people in code names)

Brandon (Featured as BrandMilkBoy)

Brittany (features as Nyat...her reasoning was that 'Nyat' was her name backwards...are you sure Britt? i thought there were more letters...)

Myself (Featured as con-RAWR...and in casts cos i hurt myself and a cross for one eye because im semi dead according to Brittany)

EDWEE (Look at that hair, OMG)

There was reference to pretty much everyone including "Josephina" doing irish Dancing,"Blast me Castle", thats for you Tom, "Miggy P" doing some WCBIS stomping/Joelski-epic-hands, annie whos face looked really peddy-y, conrad, Ellissswa, ashlyn or coded, "Liddle Person", who was a tiny stick figure, Darcie called "Donkey Bong", 'elephant fingers' and more. and if we forgot about you then im sorry, but there are a few stick figures that were unnamed and a few entitled ,"Children" so you are the children and we are all one big happy family.

After this we decided that it was good enough to......

Be in joondalups......

Art Exhibit!!!

So it was the opening piece for all the intrested arty peoples, and i do not lie when i say that within ten seconds it was noticed (even if it was by an asain mother who told her son to move away), and then other people noticed it and me and Brittany, obviously quite exhausted from doing so much hard work, enjoyed the shops for the afternoon. and we discussed many hot topics such as WONGAY. youre all we talked about wong.

oh yeah, Matthew was gonna come but he had to study for his most enjoyed subject and topic most close to his heart, RELIGION. Even though you missed out, atleast youre gonna ace this important exam! if you're reading this Ms Wongy/Mummy/Girlfriend/step-mother/whatever we named you, then i think you made the right decision. Good parenting, im glad my parents suck at it! (but my mother and father are very loving parents, dont judge them) and one last thing for Mrs Wingay Wang, if you're reading...EXCUSE ME?!?! was i talking to you? i dont think so! Do Not interrupt me again, please...GEEZ".

SO I HAD FUN THIS AFTERNOON! AND I FINALLY HAVE AN ART PIECE I LIKE AND THAT IM SATISFIED WITH!!! but shhhh, cos people cant know its mine, or a student of Mater Dei's. :O

P.S. i run faster than a car! :O

P.S.S. Some bitch was a bitch at the shops...what a bitch.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fail #204: APART from Annie deciding to wear her summer uniform in preparation for todays exam cos of the previous post...

...I made an omelette and it didnt turn out awesome. This is what it looked like before (lefts leave taste out of this post, shall we? Good)

And this is it after it was cooked!!! And i believe that looks are the most important thing...IN ALL OF LIFES CIRMCUMSTANCES (Annie, that was a joke) :D

BTW, arent these bananas just the cutest?!?!?!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fail #203: Oh Yeah! I forgot!

Brandon, you came to school for exams in your summer uniform. After we'd been told for weeks before, infact months before our exams were even scheduled.

But you provided us with many "Fuckin Brandon"'s so although you fail...Fuckin Brandon.

"Fuckin Brandon", we all like to do it,

Bye now. :)

Brandon we have exams next week. Its the transition period, so we wear our SUMMER UNIFORM this time...promise.

Fail #202: Faceboo...?

if you thought, "FACEBOOK", then you thought correct.

I meant to write into my address bar...but i wrote, "".

faceBONK? no thankyou.

Luckily upon entering my search (as you generally hit enter as soon as you finished your typing) nothing naughty opened on my page. But i thought that was a fail which was potentially a fail if porn had appeared on my screen whilst i was talking to my dad. hmmm

i warn you all to be carefull, you dont know when porn will strike.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fail #201: Camwhores (It's Okay, 'Camwhores Dont Suck. It's Just an Introduction. I Love You Camwhores Out There)

So this post is about the prospect of unknowledgable Camwhores who dont realise that they have talent. they can be seen in shots where they decide to pose wihtout knowing it is a respectable profession and takes talent, bravery, comfortability with oneself and flexible self-consciouslness, the latter trait being one i find hard to master. I found out that my brother Benny-Boy takes quite a good shot...when he CAMWHORES!!!


I'm So Proud!

look out Wongy.