Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fail #128: FailDrummer

yes! there is another faildrummer apart from me!!! his name is dickhead and hes a dickhead. If you can sit through this drum cover (which i wouldn't blame you if you couldn't) then youl see how much he fails. i thought he was gonna be pretty good at the start cos the fill is thought out and accurate, but his timing and his double kick skills are the shittest thing since...crocs....no nothing is as shit as that. the shittest thing since soundwaves bands have decided to be freaking annoying and get married, get sick or demand more than they could.

he is a disgrace. and look at him trying to show off! His stick-tricks and spins, wiping his face with his shirt so we can get a look at his rippling abbs....he reminds me of that faggot that was at battle of the bands...you remember the one geoff, that dickhead bassist who thought he was awesome. well this guy thinks hes hot shit too. just cos you can afford a bigger kit and obviously want to show off your photoshop skills with your freaking rediculous username, it doesnt mean your awesome.


God Damn, You Fail Hard Sonny


  1. ugh i couldn't finish it, his double kick is so bad, its painful, it does remind me of that tool at battle of hte bands, its so bad!

  2. I dont get why people put up the failure covers on youtube. its just gonna get abused.

    Ahem *cough* Cries In Vain *cough*

  3. I dont get why Miguels a faggot on youtube. hes just gonna get abused.

    Ahem *cough* Miguel's a Faggot *cough*
