Monday, August 17, 2009

Fail #29: My Insensativity....

.....Thoughtlessness, Tactlessness, Ignorance, Aroggance, insensibility, inconsideration, imprudence, carelessness, Idiodocy, Rashness, indiscretion, judiciousness......

......a few words to describe my behaviour, attitude and words that were spoken last night to my good friend matthew on the band below. Normally i would accept that someone likes a band, and let them love them and their music, instead of voicing how i dont like it/them.

Who am i to judge what music other people like?
Who am i to make decisions for someone else?
Who am i to critisize a person for their taste in music when i hate when people do the same to me?
Who am i? I am Conor Stretton Richards.
Who Am I? I am Sorry.
Who was I? I was not the friend Matthew deserves.

Im sorry Matthew

I Still Love You no matter what you like...particularly men...cos then i would "love" you.