Monday, August 31, 2009

Fail #37: Taylors Eating

Taylor, at work, continues to fail at cooking her food and then eating it...
She cooks it in the woks at work, and half of the meal is flung into the sink basin cos when she flicks the meal up it flies everywhere (though she is getting pretty damn good at it now).
This one time she had cooked her Satay fried rice and she did good, almost nothing flew out of her bowl, but then she went to eat it and well, she didnt get the "hang" of it and the bowl flung upside down and all onto her legs and the floor.
This is the situation afterwards where the cleaning it up came in. It was hillarious!

Fail #36: Illiterate Fools

Its time to voice my annoyance of when people use msn langauge outside of msn, i mean we get the occasional refrence to Rofl, or lolcats, i dont mind the lolcats and lolaclypse, cos i think those variations of the stupid word, "lol" are funny and mocking the normal form of lol. But i cant stand, particularly due my sisters adopted langauge of the shit, when people state things with abbreviations and acronyms of words. For example, my sister called me into the computer room last night and then thought that it wasnt important so when i came in she said, "dw" and i said, in instant confusion of the statement, "What the hell did you say?" and she said, "D.W" which was followed with, "what does that mean?" and she informed me that it means, "dont worry"....okay, so that is abbreviated? i dont think so! there are the same amount of syllables for one you idiots! and secondly, why use such a term when it takes 3 times more time to explain what it means.
The english langauge is the universal langauge and it shant be shortened any more than we already have it. The msn langauge should stay on msn where lazy fucks cant be bothered to write out another 4 fucking letters...have you been to school? have you got any slight memory of how to be an active, normal, contributing member of society? and do you know how to talk? to communicate correctly?
G0 Fck Urself's U w@Nk'R's

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fail #35: Box Monster

The other week i was packing up my room cos i am moving houses (as you know) and i couldnt bring myself to pack it up, the start is always the hardest until you get going and then it kind of flows. But i wasted as much time as i could playing with the boxes i shouldve been packing with. I tried to make this box monster and have me inside it. But i built a crappy monster and then it fell on top of me, it crashed and i cried....and my photo was crappy. So all in all, packing was a big failure that night.

Fail #34: My Wands

Yes, they are so freaking awesome, but i was under the impression that i could do magic with these...i was wrong. Ive been trying to cast spells with Harry's wand for about 2 years, and it didnt work so i beought two more just about a year ago, voldemorts and dumbledores, and they didnt work! Whats the deal wands? i wanna do magic...i think its cos i havent beaten their previous owners (those who have read the book will understand).

I think ill have to continue my search for my wand, or maybe i should stop looking. After all, the wand chooses the wizard.

Fail #33: Inconspicuous Speed Dealer

We all know that the dodgy guys wear glasses, so as to 'hide their identity'...yes, if you cant see a persons eyes, your as good as blind, sun-glasses are the new invisibility cloak!
But seriously, those glasses arent gonna hide the fact that your a drug dealer when the sign to our right says that you are a "speed dealer" on being a bit more subtle mate...
Big thanks to geoff for allowing "the fail" to publish this post as he noticed it passing by in joondalup shopping centre.

Fail #32: "C.V"

EVERYBODY STAY CALM!!! ITS A "CV"....its gonna get you!!!


P.S....annie's got sure to carry some lube around with you if your around her...a necessary precaution...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fail #31: Bromance Post

I was writting a post on tuesday about bromance in our group when i was uploading some images to show how its alright to have the bromance in amongst our sexually comfortable group...though my pop-up detector detected a pop-up, which was obviously the window to upload images on the post, i clicked "yes, Allow Pop-Up", but i forgot that when i do this, it refreshes the page, and it did, and i lost all of the post, its bloody annoying so i gave up and closed the window....theres dedication for ya! but in light of this fail i decided that i would allow you to see a few of the images i had on offer, but not all of them cos im a busy man!

This was a day at the zoo with me and blaise and the rest were girls (Britt, Hannah, Taylor and Liss) but we only had eyes for each other that day.

As The day progresses we were getting a bit closer

Makin The First Move

Geoff and Connie cant even be seperated
And brandon in the back obviously cant wait to embrace a man-friend

Well, extreme bottling of bromance emotions can work in bad ways.
I had bottled up my urges, and connie found out what can happen if this happens, and loved it!
So tell me, whats wrong with a bit of bromance?

Fail #30: "Friends"

....dont get me wrong, i love all my friends, im very gratefull for all of you (particularly in the group).....but some days i really wonder....

"Why Should I Have To Put Up With This Crap?!?!?!"

Well, i was inspired to write this post in physics when i got pissed at emerson and wongy when they wouldnt rest until they got my pen and disconnected it. Oh, and this was after disconnecting all my pens in my pencil case first, EMERSON!!!
I was obviously in disagreement with what the two had in mind with my pen, oh and i blame you emerson for all of this cos it was really you who had this destruction in mind. In the end, matthew had joined forces with emerson who i'd successfully escaped any pen-snatching for a couple of minutes where emerson would try to steal it in consecutive attempts. Emerson finally got it and took the end off it and i was pissed, i threatened to stab him with the pen in his sleep and was very serious and i told them that while i laughed at the truth i was saying, but he still got it and i was pissed. Then Matthew decided to grab it after i thought peace was restored and he through it at/to emerson who grabbed it and disconnected it again. I wasn’t very happy at all and I moved from my seat next to them over to my old, cold and lonely chair without them….and it was much better over there than with those two annoying fags. Emerson had swing band at lunch so i was pleased I wouldn’t have to evade any attempts to make friends again or attempts at, further, infuriating me.
Not very happy with you two at that time boys….not very happy at all.

Then it went on after school, annie knows (don’t you annie) with joe, that bastardly (though very funny) Bitch-face-half-adopted-half-brother-bitch-face. Oh and my opening up to wongy about my fear of summer at school was a bad idea. I had confessed my fear of people pulling my leg hairs with my uniform exposing my legs thinking he would be comforting and a shoulder to cry on, but no, it was, according to my “friend” an invitation to take advantage of my fears and pull my oh-so-annoyingly-long leg hairs….what a bitch.

I would draw the line of being a friend when you intentionally go out of your way to be a bastard and annoy a friend when you know they don’t like it….they really don’t like it. Theres no harm in a bit of fun, but you have to know when to stop.

That’s my first official rant on playing the name-game on this blog, and hopefully it is the last one too.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Fail #29: My Insensativity....

.....Thoughtlessness, Tactlessness, Ignorance, Aroggance, insensibility, inconsideration, imprudence, carelessness, Idiodocy, Rashness, indiscretion, judiciousness......

......a few words to describe my behaviour, attitude and words that were spoken last night to my good friend matthew on the band below. Normally i would accept that someone likes a band, and let them love them and their music, instead of voicing how i dont like it/them.

Who am i to judge what music other people like?
Who am i to make decisions for someone else?
Who am i to critisize a person for their taste in music when i hate when people do the same to me?
Who am i? I am Conor Stretton Richards.
Who Am I? I am Sorry.
Who was I? I was not the friend Matthew deserves.

Im sorry Matthew

I Still Love You no matter what you like...particularly men...cos then i would "love" you.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Fail #28: My Chemical Romance/Gerard Way

Woops, i get mixed up between these kinds of freaks....this is the real Gerard Gay...i mean, 'Way' (my mistake!....or was it?, not my mistake, his, wait, GODS!!! disrespect God, but you screwed up with his creation....)

This is the fagboy Gerard...

Fail #27: My Chemical Romance/Gerard Way

I Hate Gerad Way and My Chemical Romance
Gerard is a Fag!

Fail #26: The Builders...

Whoever biult this house shouldnt have sold it, its lovely......and my dad and kath snatched it up from them with the selling of our appartment in joondalup within four hours of its first home this is my new freakin sweet house....
This is the kitchen...

This is the table and living room

This is the study

And this is my 'Dream Theater'

How awesome is that theatre room!!!
Im gonna live in that palace in 3 weeks!!!

Fail #25: Link

haha, that was an unintentional link in the soundwave goes to microsoft outlook or some crap. dont click on

(pointless fail, but...OMG SOUNDWAVE!!!)

(Oh, and also OMG.................

Fail #24: Anyone Who Cant go to Soundwave 2010!

soundwave is gonna be freakin sweeeeeet!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009



PSSSSSSS. i could post this because i used the school internet during photography when i realised i could....for all those who question my honesty....faggs. Dont be all up and hatin on me BITCHES!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fail #22: The Indoor Team

Well the indoor team sucked ass, well, they can suck my ass anyway!!!
and no, i do not mean that "The" Indoor Team that comprises of James, Wongy, Conrad, Miguel, Joe and curtis, but the indoor team that they versed last. Hahaha!!! They got killed by the MaterDeifaggs+conor(myself) by something i cannot remember, but we kicked their asses by atleast 6 goals from what i can remember.

They got a player sent off cos he pushed me and then the ref told me off and resulted, then, with the sending off of the other player cos he's a tard. HAHAHA idiot.

Well, they got pissed, and the guy who didnt seem content on putting out the fire on top of his head didnt skip a beat when he MISSED the goals about 300 times and never forgot to swear or shout furiously at some micro dust-particles while he swung his leg in an aggresive manner.

All in all, 'our' team played awesome, everyone did their bit, conrad kicked ass, miguels passing was "RIGHT ON!!!", joe's keeping was fantastical (though we played so awesomely on the pitch that there werent many opportunities for him to show off his real talents...though some of the diving saves were SWEEEEET!!!!) curtis played nicely, finishng off many goals, james didnt play due to his injuries, wongy had a decent game, running to attackers, smothering the ball, and doing everyting else that is required of an awesome defender including not afraid to get into the tackles even though we were all worried he'd kill his ankle and almost did seriously, he got kicked in the ankle again. and i played and was gratefull for the time i got to play and thoroughly enjoyed playing, winning, and having caused a sending off.


Fail #21: Caught Out!!!

This kid got caught out like you could "catch out" blaises dick from sydney!!!

Though i dont blame the kid. I mean, DAAAAMN!!!!!

Fail #20: Expression (well, a more accurate title would be: "ME")

Well, it was the day after i stayed up through the night to put in tremendiferous effort to do my art work and draw a whole self-portrait of myself, tonal value and all and then i got to school to present my (what i considered to be good and was proud of) art piece to my class.

So i gave it in to ms valentine, everyone standing round one desk so we could critic each persons work (which most people didnt do including the lazy bitch matthew wong....even though he wasnt present...) and i explained that my facial expression was a sad one after she though it was a scared/worried/concerned one. so she told me to rienact my expression "live" for my audience/class and i did.

I was reinacting my facial expression of sadness to ms valentine and my art class whilst they observed my self-portrait drawing and she told me that i still looked worried or scared and...well, it went something like this...

"No! do the expression, look sad!....n-n-no..................(long pause for dramatic effect) fail"

...Thats right! Ms Valentine said "you fail" to me.....ouch!

and thats my story of how i contemplated killing myself....well the drawing of myself anyway.

But still....ouch

Fail #19: My Internet (Therefore, Blogging)

Well, im back! after an annoying week of producing nothingness in terms of posts and blog related articles, im back on track. Its been so hard witnessing fails and performing fails and hearing about fails without being able to blog about them. so i better get started with the blogging!!!

P.s. I was changing internet servers and that contributed to not being able to post...because i had none for a while.